“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.” -- Christina Baldwin

Journaling strongly supports our rational mind. It helps us gain clarity, create ideas, maintain focus and attention, and solidify and deepen intention.

Journaling is just as powerful for accessing our intuition , the inner knowing that doesn’t come to us through our left brain. Blank page journaling enables us to confidently request guidance at any time. Learn how to allow messages to come through you rather than you forcing the journaling.

Here’s how blank page journaling works.

Start your journaling session with a blank page. Take a few deep breaths, turn your attention inside and ask yourself, “What topics are most appropriate and important for me to journal on now?” Here’s another way to ask: “In my highest divine interest what do I need to journal about?”

As ideas come, write them down. Try for 3 to 5 topics to reflect and write on.
Then spend some time writing on each topic in your own way or using some of the many tools at http://www.journalingtools.com .

The more you use this process (ideally daily), the more you will understand how truth, ideas, needs and early warning signals come to you. It helps develop discrimination, discernment and self trust.

“To write from within, you have to listen for what’s there. And listen deeply. It’s more than your ears doing this listening.” -- Patrice Vecchione


There are many intentions you may have when you journal. Observe how your mind works and how good ideas come to the surface.

Getting started:
What is the most important things for me to do today?
What early warning signals am I avoiding?

Go deeper:
What aspects of … relationship need some attention?
What aspects of myself needs some attention or healing?

Reach higher:
What is spirit asking of me today?
How can I serve others for the greatest good of all concerned?

Check out our other 40 Journaling Tools for personal growth .

Author's Bio: 

John Robson has devoted much of his life to exploring how to bring more love, awareness, meaning and purpose to life. Journaling is one of the most powerful tools available to us today to heighten our awareness of who we are and how we are living. We use Journaling Tools intentionally to dramatically expand the scope and effectiveness of our explorations.