1. There’s No Time Like The Present

The best chance for successful restitution lies in the earliest possible start, before compounding interest rates would take their toll and present a truly unbeatable weight. It just stands to reason, whenever consumers are struggling against sky high Annual Percentage Rates, the longer anyone waits to start climbing an ever growing mountain, the more difficult the path will become.

2. Find The Inspiration

It’s easy to just sit around and hope your credit card debt problems go away by themselves. Sure, maybe you’ll win the lottery or suddenly get a call about an inheritance bequeathed by a forgotten uncle. Stranger things have happened, after all, but, if you’re solemnly examining the ramifications of your prior spending, you should recognize that debt relief won’t just happen on its own.

3. Investigate Consolidation

Although the global credit freeze has made the formerly ubiquitous credit card debt balance transfers far harder to come by (and recent legislation has drastically hurt the odds on finding a zero percent introductory rate), some debt consolidation schemes are nonetheless worth looking into, provided the household has sufficient discipline to not further worsen the predicament once the old accounts have been wiped clean.

4. Cash Is King

Consumers kid themselves through all sorts of tricks toward believing that they’re actually helping their finances by means of bringing out the plastic, but, even if the convenience of credit card debt aids tax preparation or prevents ATM fees, the subsequent debt burdens tell a different story. If humanly possible, use paper money for every purchase.

5. Close The Chapter

Most folks are already aware of the difficulties they’d face entering into a Chapter 7 debt relief program after the governmental codes were tightened six years ago, but there’s plenty of cause to avoid bankruptcy above and beyond the stringent admission criteria. Do your family and your credit scores a favor by forgetting about the creditor shield unless there’s literally no other choice.

6. Await The Avalanche

The so called snowball effect, paying down the lowest balance and then the next lowest (regardless of the relative rates of interest), has been proven to serve as the most effective form of do it yourself debt relief, but, as with so many elements of the process, the wisdom of the approach differs with each consumers. Should the APR of one loan balance seem particularly high, it’ll probably be best to get that debt out of the way first.

7. Start From Scratch …

Credit card debt relief techniques such as debt settlement negotiation will automatically force their clients to close down all unsecured revolving credit accounts as one of the fundamental tenets of their approach to loan management, but, even if you’re determined to go forward on your own debt relief mission unassisted, it’s still likely a good idea to eliminate any unnecessary temptation to over spend.

8.… But Don’t Go Crazy

At the same time, financial planners are also aware of the usefulness that credit cards play in modern American society, especially with the increased dependence upon internet shopping and bill paying that utilizes a digitized funds transfer. While a debit card could accomplish most of what you’d need from a credit account, the fiscal authorities ruefully admit there’s some sense to maintaining a single account -- to maintain credit ratings, if for no other reason -- so long as the heads of household keep it locked securely in a drawer except for emergencies.

Author's Bio: 

Cole Collins is a freelance writer in the field of personal finance with a concentration in consumer debt relief. For Help with debt please visit http://www.totaldebtrelief.net/