Egg donation provides another couple with the potential to create a family that they could not otherwise have. However, the donation process requires time, commitment and personal sacrifice. It is, therefore, appropriate for the a donor to be compensated for these inconveniences. Understanding how the egg donation compensation process works, the legalities and ethical considerations is essential to making a well informed decision to donate.

What is the Average Compensation?

In 2007 the average compensation for an egg donor in the US was $4,217. The amount of compensation differed by geographic location, the lowest being the northwest and the highest in the east. Most clinics offer a set amount for egg donation compensation, however some may offer higher amounts for donors who match extraordinary traits that are desired by recipients.

Are There Laws For How Much a Donor Can Be Compensated?

Because it is illegal in the US to sell body tissues, any payment that is made to a donor may only be compensation for time and inconvenience. There is no law specifying just how much this compensation can be. However, 000 require justification and sums above $10,

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000, there have been reports of up to $60,000 being offered to egg donors. Most often, standardized testing scores, university degrees, personal accomplishments, A report published by the Hastings Middle reported that for each and every increase of 100 factors on a person's SAT score, payment increased by $2,350. This kind of large monetary compensation directed at donors raises ethical worries. It could cloud a donor's capability to fully consider all areas of the donation procedure. Furthermore,


Treatment centers typically pay the donors soon after the egg retrieval. That is to make sure that the donor completes the complete process and is not predicated on how many eggs had been retrieved. As stated above, thus the amount of eggs retrieved shouldn't determine payment. A smaller payment is normally provided to the donor for his or her effort. For instance, one egg donation system in New York gives $8,000 as a payment for full egg retrieval and $1,

Legal Considerations

When donating eggs it really is an excellent idea for the donor to possess a legal representative review the agreement and conditions of payment. That is highly recommended particularly if the egg donation payment offered is a lot more than $10,000 or from the private recipient, including friends and family . The donor should also get an obvious awareness in an agreement of who'll be responsible for any more financial burdens such as for example unexpected medical complications, etc.

How Many Times May a Donor Donate Eggs?

There is no very clear guideline on how often a woman can donate her eggs. However, the ASRM does recommend that there be limits, usually set anywhere between 3-6 donations over a lifetime.

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