Diabetes, a silent killer, is the leading cause of many serious health complications. This chronic medical condition is characterized by increased levels of sugar in the blood caused by the inability of body to produce or use insulin. The most frequent types of diabetes or diabetes mellitus are type 1diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, also referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes, develops when the pancreas cannot produce insulin due to the destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas by the immune system. Type 1 diabetes is frequently found among children and young people, but can occur in people of any age.

Type 2 diabetes or non-insulin diabetes mellitus refers to a condition in which the body cells become opposed to insulin and the pancreas is not able to secrete enough insulin to counteract this resistance. This type of diabetes mostly affects adult people. The exact cause of both these conditions is not yet identified, although it is suspected that environmental and genetic factors play a major role. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, you must be well aware of how to manage diabetes. If necessary, seek advice from a diabetes educator.

If not managed properly, diabetes can damage all major organs in the body, including brain, heart, kidney, nerves, eyes, foot, skin, and mouth. Complications of uncontrolled or poorly treated diabetes include cardiovascular problems, stroke, neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, foot complications, skin conditions, and mouth problems. Likewise, untreated gestational diabetes can cause many complications for mother and baby and may even lead to death of baby.

How To Manage Diabetes: Unfortunately, diabetes is an enduring medical condition and can never be permanently cured. However, most of the diabetes complications can be prevented through diet , lifestyle changes, physical activity, and keeping blood glucose levels under control. Diabetes treatment typically includes monitoring blood glucose levels, eating a healthy diet , and regular physical activity. The treatment for type 1 diabetes also involves the use of insulin therapy. Type 2 diabetes treatments may sometimes require diabetic medications and/or insulin therapy to control blood sugars..

Diet is a crucial part of how to manage diabetes. Contrary to what many people believe, there is no specific diet for diabetes. All you have to do is to follow a healthy eating plan that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and heart-healthy fish. You should avoid foods that contain trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. A dietician can help you chalk out an appropriate diet plan. Another important thing that you must do is to incorporate exercises in your daily routine.

Give proper attention and care to your feet. Never forget to look at your feet daily for any sores, redness, swelling, blisters, or cuts. Talk to your doctor if you find any changes in your feet. It is also important to get regular eye check-ups and dental exams to avoid diabetes-related complications. Avoid smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol. Try relaxation techniques to reduce your stress. Make sure that your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are within the limits. Also, take a flu shot every year and tetanus booster shot every ten years.

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