Every person has a different to-do list experience. It works great for some, and does nothing for others. There are some people that actually get frustrated and overwhelmed by their never ending to do list. Most people have had that experience at one time or another. Especially if you have a busy life with a lot to do. Oh, wait - that's nearly EVERYBODY.

I'm going to share with you what works for me, and has worked for dozens of others. I invite you to try this on for yourself for a couple of weeks and see how it works for you. When you get a system, a way of doing things that works, then you get things done. You take important action. When you take this action, you see results - and you stop doing the same things over and over. To remind you of Einstein's definition of insanity: One who does the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

1. First step is to do a "data dump", meaning - go ahead and put it all down on the list. Anything you can think of that you're needing to do.

2. Take the list and divide it into categories: business, home, personal (just you), and social (including friends and family ). Now take everything on your list and put it into the appropriate category.

3. Start with the home list. You may have things on there like "fix drain" and "clean carpets" or "take that stuff to goodwill, finally". Begin with the first thing on your list. Compare the first and the second thing on your list, and ask yourself what's more important? The drain or the carpets? Take whatever wins and compare it to the next thing on your list. This is a great prioritizing method - but just go with your first instinct. Try to do this quickly, and trust that your first answer is the right one.

4. Repeat this with all of your lists. When you get to the one on business, I invite you to first categorize that list with "things that will bring immediate income" and "things that will bring income later". If what's on that list doesn't fit into those categories, get it OFF the list.

5. Once you get your list prioritized, take the first 1 or 2 things in each category- and immediately put them into your calendar. Even if it's 3 weeks out, just get it off that list and into your calendar. This is the secret to how that list will help bring you energy, and not drain it.

6. Put the remaining stuff in a drawer and don't even look at it. Each week, pull the list out and add whatever is new, re-prioritize and do it all over again. You'll get really good at this, especially once you see how great this works. This is something you can do in about 15 minutes, and then you don't have to fiddle around every day wondering what you should do, and wasting time with what's not immediate.

It's no good to have "write a novel" on your list if you never schedule time to write. It almost becomes a burden having it there, seeing it over and over knowing that you want to write but you're not doing it. If you put in 15 minutes 3 times a week to write, even if you just sit there, you are training yourself. You're now matching intention with action, which is the only way you'll see results!

I invite you here to try something different - test it out for yourself. This is one of those "success" habits that can help you get where you want to go - and in a more relaxed way. Starting now to form habits like this will set you up for a more successful and easy going life, starting today!

Author's Bio: 

Anastasia Netri, the business building expert and “Glass ceiling buster” is the founder of ALN Enterprises, a company that helps conscientious women leaders get more yes's, help more people, and make more money.

She has a passion for helping women move into more powerful leadership roles so they can help the world evolve, build community, and experience true human potential.

Anastasia calls herself a spiritual teacher who works through the lens of business building. She specializes in totally inspirational, non-fear based marketing, and teaches hundreds of entrepreneurs how to bring their clients to a full body YES!

Her website is: http://www.anastasia-netri.com .