Leadership. It's something no one will ever tell you is NEEDED to have a happy marriage , and yet it is perhaps the one trait that has the power to single handedly 180 your relationship with your wife.

Leadership. It's a trait that men in our time are nearly devoid of, and that women encourage be removed from our personalities, because when one person is a leader that implies that the other is a follower, and no modernist idealogy could ever tolerate the idea of inequality.

And yet...Leadership. It doesn't always come easily to every man, but it DOES always come naturally once it gets there.

So what does this mean? Leadership; how do you define it? Why is it so important for a happy marriage ? Why is the husband supposed to be the leader?

Well, even though I myself have Biblical reasons for believing the way that I do, I also have science on my side to back me up. In the natural world across almost every single heterosexual species, leadership is the single most important trait to the female when determining a mate. It has always been true and always will be that the female gender – in ANY species – always finds the Alpha Male the most desirable mate.

What does the Alpha Male have that others don't? Universally, the quality is always leadership.

You don't have to look far to find proof...Our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, the Chimpanzees, are an excellent example of this, especially because just like humans they make long-term commitments to their mates. In a tribe of chimpanzees, the Alpha Male essentially has free pick of any female he wants.

This is what I have been hinting at this whole article – Women are BIOLOGICALLY ATTRACTED to the quality of leadership . It's not sexist, it's not chauvinistic...It is literally hard coded into our DNA as surely as our hair color or any other physical trait. The only way that this FACT is ever going to change is through 1,000s of years of evolution.

So, how is this relevant to you? Well, hopefully it is starting to become a little bit obvious, but I will explain it just to make sure that we are on the same page. The thing that you need to understand is this:

When your wife is ATTRACTED to you – And I mean mouth-watering, loins-burning attraction – every single other problem in your marriage will seem secondary to her.

And what is the best way to make your wife ATTRACTED to you in this way?

It is to awaken the leader inside of you that I can almost guarantee is what originally made your wife attracted to you in the first place.

Here are a few qualities that define a leader in marriage:
* A Leader is Unwavering in His Love for His Wife and the People Around Him
* A Leader is Confidant in Himself and His Marriage
* A Leader is Concerned About His Wife's Well Being
* A Leader is Able to Make Decisions...And then STICK BY THEM
* A Leader is NEVER Afraid of the Future (Important!)

I want you to read through that list 3 or 4 times to make sure that you have a very solid grasp of what being a leader entails.

Remember that being the alpha male – the leader – for your wife is NOT about being physically attractive, charismatic or charming… It's about being confident in YOU.

When your wife can see that you're going to be happy and satisfied with who you are whether she's with your or not, that's going to flip a biological switch inside of her and a happy marriage won't be far behind.

Author's Bio: 

I know that you probably still have a few questions about leading your wife back to a happy marriage, and that's okay! It would be weird if you DIDN'T have any questions.

So this is what I would like to do for you to help you learn more about being a good husband with a wife who loves you and adores you and SHOWS IT to you physically.

Free Mini-Guide: Essential Traits of a Good Husband

Alternatively, if you'd rather read more about leadership specifically and how you can awaken the qualities of an alpha male in yourself, then I can't recommend a better resource than this article that I wrote about the secrets to getting your wife back .

Whatever you do from here, thanks for reading!