Materialism, at the beginning of the century, was really taking hold and the physical world has advanced more technologically, in the last 100 years, than could ever be imagined when the Wright Brothers made their first transAtlantic flight.

It became very much a case of - if there was no empirical evidence and it was not scientifically provable - it did not exist. Going within, with moral consciousness, became less important than getting what you wanted “no matter the consequences” and gradually death , which was regarded as ‘nothingness’ and the opposite of materialism, became the taboo subject. No-one knew what really happened when people died, so it ceased to have priority.

Over time, the discussion of death and what it represented was denied and not even contemplated, except in the simplest of terms: heaven or hell.

Indeed, it was not until the Vietnam War, when the deaths’ of the soldiers were so clearly visible, that death had to be faced by the masses and even that was censored. The horror of war and the death of so many started to raise the consciousness of nations and the advancing tide of materialism was slowed as more people started to ask “What happens when we die?” “Is this is?”

“They forget or never knew, that he who holds the keys to the secrets of Death is possessed of the keys of Life.” (ML 359:365)

It is said that beyond the human kingdom there is a place that the ‘dead’ go and in some circles it is believed that when a person ‘dies’ they are really ‘reborn’ to spirit. These so called ‘higher realms’ goes way beyond being physical but comes more into the subjective realms.

The ‘subjective realm’ is our inner worlds, which are all one, the ‘objective realm’ is the world we live in.

Man has a divine component to his nature, and when he ccan touch upon this level, he knows his own divinity [God/Higher Self].

When we Die…

Death Processes:

1st Bardo: Immediately prior to the moment of death.

“Where you go when you die is determined by the last thought in your mind before death”.[Lord Krishna - Bhagavad-Gita]

Very high initiates determine their moment of death.

1st Bardo is when we merge with the light and it needs to be peaceful. It is the ultimate moment of the soul’s extension throughout its entire incarnation. This moment, if experienced correctly can save eons of time in the Astral Plane –where we tend to suffer through emotional processes.

2nd Bardo: The next opportunity to merge with the light

3rd Bardo: the opportunity to merge with the light has been missed and now ‘the days of judgment’ follows.This is not a judgment by ‘God”, but is in fact the soul extension judging itself. This is a spiritual test, just as life on earth is a physical test.

What remains after Death ?

Immortal Aspects - Higher Triad

Will * Intuition * Intellect

Conditionally Immortal Aspects - Manas – The Link between higher and lower principles.

Desire * Mind

Mortal Aspects - The Lower Quartenary

Desire * Energizing Vitality * Automatic Vitality

Author's Bio: 

Kumara Meditation & Healing offer deeper theosophical studies, meditation & healing,reiki, kabbalah and pranic healing