Dear Dr. Romance:

i hope u are doing good.  You know i really want to show appreciation for all the "Happiness Tips from Tina"  newsletters. they are really helping me. really i  should say. i print them and read them just to correct some little mistakes aside the Bible. please i would like u to help me with this question.  I am a young guy who is really confused about love. sometimes i feel like i  need to have a say a girlfriend not for sex but to share my thoughts or something like that but in a nutshell companionship. at times i feel like i'm not ready say my age and not ready to hurt someone. something like that.  please can u help me. all the same sorry for the style of typing. say the  small letters, punctuations and the like. lol. please do forgive me. any, i will be patiently waiting for your reply. please no pressure and do take  care of yourself. peace

Dear Reader:

I'm glad you're enjoying the newsletter. I think it would be wonderful for you to have a companion to share your  thoughts with, and girls are good at that.  If you focus on being friends, you won't risk  hurting anyone.  Please read my article "Make New Friends, Keep Good  Friends" I think it will help.  It Ends With You has the answers to a lot of your questions. 

IEWY new cover

 For low-cost counseling, email me at

Author's Bio: 

Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. is a licensed psychotherapist in S. California since 1978 with over 30 years experience in counseling individuals and couples and author of 13 books in 17 languages, including It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction; The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again; Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting About the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage, The Commuter Marriage, and her newest, Love Styles: How to Celebrate Your Differences. She writes the “Dr. Romance” blog, and the “Happiness Tips from Tina” email newsletter.