Day 9th of the 12 Days of Healthy Eating Gifts
brought to you by WiseHeart Wellness WorldWide
Treating food addiction and compulsive eating

Welcome to your ninth Healthy Eating gift. We want to share with you the top 5 challenges our clients face in relationships and our top 5 strategies to help navigate them. The Eatings can put an extra strain on relationships, but they can also provide an extra opportunity for enhancing them too. Here's what we've found;

The brain chemistry issues that cause eating issues often cause problems in relationships as well. This happens because brain chemistry imbalances cause a change in our perspective that we are unaware of and a change in how we experience sensations in our bodies causing us to react with uncomfortable feelings to interactions and emotions.

1. Inaccurate interpretation of social cues. This is well documented in eating disorder research and leads to a lot of misunderstandings and distress.

2. Food is more rewarding than relationships. Low serotonin often makes us hypersensitive and so the ups and downs of relationships make rewards unreliable in interactions with live people. Food is just such a sure thing for that feel good moment.

3. Ongoing on irritability, impatience and annoyance with people.

4. Reactivity, in relationships, a tendency to take things personally and struggling to let go of slights and grudges.

5. Controlling and perfectionism - If only they would do it my way.

TOP 5 RESCUES FOR RELATIONSHIP ISSUES1. Particularly with negative perceptions, don't assume, ask for clarification from the people you are with. Explore your understanding of what non verbal cues you are perceiving and the meaning of what they are saying, by confirming with a friend what they think about the interaction.

2. Acknowledge your need for soothing and stability. Give yourself enough alone time and other rewards so that you can hang in there in your relationship moments that don't seem so rewarding.

3. If you experience this frequently, you may have a dopamine excess that can be simply handled by avoiding the following substances that increase it; red meat, dark fish, nuts, caffeine and chocolate.

4. Reactivity and grudge holding is a sure sign of serotonin deficits. In addition to serotonin building efforts, learning physical release techniques can be liberating. A body that can let tension go can create a mind that can relax and release as well.

5. Control and perfectionism are simply attempts to create security and better feelings by orchestrating a particular future. Really, everything is okay right now, Surrendering the future and just training yourself to look for the positive in the present can provide everyone relief from the stress of control and perfectionism.

Remember that compulsive addictive eating and conflict in relationships generally arise out of distress in the body and distorted distressing perspectives.

Calming your body and compassionately challenging your thoughts can go a long way to remedying both.

And realize that sometimes you simply won't be able to do this on your own and get assistance to balance your brain chemistry and deconstruct the destructive patterns of relationship you have developed.
These gifts were so well received by our clients, we’ve made this available for a wider audience and the coupons are good for any time of the year.

To receive a personalized gift, click on the link below to receive a free Discovery Session,

Still 3 more days of gifts. WiseHeart Wellness wishes you Happy Healthy Eating in everything you do! 

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Anderson Dolan of WiseHeart Wellness Services provides treatment, public education and media information on food addiction and compulsive eating. She speaks and facilitates programs internationally and has been a counselor for over 30 years and a recovering person maintaining a 150 lb weight loss, for over 2 decades. Current research is with people maintaining 100lb+ weight loss and how they continue to do that. WiseHeart Wellness now provides assessment and treatment online including brain chemistry optimization to end addictive eating. More information can be found at