Day 6 of the 12 Days of Healthy Eating Gifts
brought to you by WiseHeart Wellness
Treating food addiction
and compulsive eating
Welcome, to your sixth Healthy Eating gift. No Eating would be complete without the gift that everyone really wants - that would be brain research! Okay maybe I am the only one with that on their wish list, but after you check this out you will be thankful for it.
The Compassionate Brain presentations by a group of very special researchers who are a special mix of scientist sages, describe how compassion develops in the brain and how the brain benefits by the development compassion. These are people that have advised the Dali Lama and are changing the world heart by heart, brain by brain.
What does this have to do with compulsive, addictive eating? You can see below it addresses many of the issues we deal with daily, including; personal transformation, forgiveness, assertiveness
and self compassion. And a good preparation to be kind and compassionate to everyone over the Eating season. Enjoy this delicious treat!
• Session 1: How the Mind Changes the Brain
With Dr. Richie Davidson, professor of psychology
at the University of Wisconsin and co-editor of The Asymmetrical Brain
• Session 2: Mindfulness of Oneself and Others
With Dr. Daniel Siegel, executive director of the Mindsight Institute and author of Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation
• Session 3: Cultivating a Forgiving Heart
With Dr. Tara Brach, founder of the Insight Meditation
Community of Washington and author of Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha
• Session 4: The Evolution of Compassion: From Gene to Meme
With Dr. Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology
at the University of California, Berkeley and author of Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life
• Session 5: Balancing Compassion and Assertiveness
With Dr. Kelly McGonigal, senior teacher and consultant for the Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and author of The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It
• Session 6: The Power of Self-Compassion
With Dr. Kristin Neff, professor of human development
and culture at the University of Texas, Austin and author of Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind
• Session 7: Compassion in the Wider World
With Dr. Jean Houston, co-founder of The Foundation for Mind Research and author of The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities
• Session 8: At Home in the Heart-Practical Takeaways from This Series
With Dr. Rick Hanson
These gifts were so well received by our clients, we’ve made this available for a wider audience and the coupons are good for any time of the year.
To receive a personalized gift, click on the link below to receive a free Discovery Session,
Watch for the rest of your Eating gifts including meditations, more yoga moves and an ebook . WiseHeart Wellness wishes you Happy Healthy Eating in everything you do!
Nancy Anderson Dolan of WiseHeart Wellness Services provides treatment, public education and media information on food addiction and compulsive eating. She speaks and facilitates programs internationally and has been a counselor for over 30 years and a recovering person maintaining a 150 lb weight loss, for over 2 decades. Current research is with people maintaining 100lb+ weight loss and how they continue to do that. WiseHeart Wellness now provides assessment and treatment online including brain chemistry optimization to end addictive eating. More information can be found at