Aries: A spiritual or metaphysical understanding of how life works helps you take redirect the energy of any adverse situation.

Taurus: The only thing that could get in the way of happiness or success would be a reluctance to claim your personal power.

Gemini: More inner work must be done until the effects of self improvement appear. The Universe needs time to respond to you.

Cancer: Your excellent social skills & support network help you through changes in career objectives or job responsibilities.

Leo: Delays in plans can work to your advantage. Mistakes can be found & corrected, or things you hadn't factored in, added.

Virgo: A poignant walk down memory lane may be what keeps you from making a rash decision now. Been there, done that?

Libra: Everything may be going just as YOU want it, but someone could be obstructing plans -most likely a mate or family member.

Scorpio: Getting others to see things creatively or with a sense of humor may be difficult now. Do your own thing, if possible.

Sagittarius: Prosperity consciousness is at an all time high, but so is an urge to spend impulsively or fall for a get rich quick scam.

Capricorn: Talk with a perceptive & peaceful friend to help you adjust to personal changes. They can see your highest potential.

Aquarius: Stick with current business or methodical work. Taking off in a new direction scatters your energy or causes stress.

Pisces: It's a good time to "window shop" or find ways to make life or business improve or expand, but wait to spend big money.

The Mercury retrograde period has arrived, and it brings the energy of impatience and arrogance, obstruction and upheaval to transportation and communication. Mercury, planet of thought and transportation, is conjunct Uranus, planet of genius, instability and change, in the cardinal fire sign of assertive , pioneering Aries. Together, Mercury and Uranus are forming a challenging square to Pluto, planet of power, control and transformation , in the cardinal earth sign of reserved, success oriented Capricorn. New beginnings are rarely easy, or even advisable, during a Mercury retrograde time period, and with this current square aspect, they may be awkward, painful or disruptive. Unfortunately, this energy pattern may also indicate situations where, like it or not, something must be done. Because Uranus and Pluto are both slow moving, outer planets, they have a noticeable effect on society as a whole. Expect crazy news reports, unrest or uprisings in the world. On a more personal level, the energy of today is intuitive, perceptive and deeply emotional or spiritual, thanks to the Scorpio moon forming a supportive trine to the sun in Pisces. The beautiful, constructive and abundant Grand Trine between Mars in Virgo, Venus/Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn can help you work well on projects and stay grounded. The trine between Saturn in Libra and Neptune in Pisces, and the sextile between Chiron in Pisces and Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus helps you see what is already good in yourself and other people and to aim for the best possible outcome in any endeavor or interaction. Stick with what you already have going on, or bring out old projects to work on, but put off beginning anything new unless it is necessary or unavoidable.

Author's Bio: 

Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at