One of the best ways for anyone to stay active is to perform as many of their daily chores as possible. Activities such as getting up to change the television channel or gently stretching when reaching for an item that is above or below shoulder level all count as beneficial exercise . Individuals who utilize Bay Are Home Care did not understand at first the importance minor movements has but even light housekeeping activities like straightening the bed linens after arising, count towards retaining mobility.

Staying active is a mindset, which starts by realizing how important movement is for the body. Rather than trying to avoid physical activity, people must learn to embrace and use whatever strengths they have. At we Bay Area Home Care urge our clients to be active and stay active. As people start to age it becomes vital to introduce gentle types of light, weight-bearing movements to keep bones strengthened. Bones become brittle and fragile if rarely used to bear weight. Remember, weak bones become stronger through exercise .

Preventing osteoporosis, or slowing down its progression, is possible with swimming exercises, also called water aerobics. This takes the stress off bones and joints while still improving muscle tone. Stronger muscles put less stress on joints, which, as Bay Area Hourly Home Care revels, reduces pain from inflammation. For anyone with osteoporosis, very low impact exercises are the best. Additionally, walking and simple yoga are good choices as well.

Naturally, a healthy diet is part of the equation for staying active. It is the core belief of Live-In Care that a good diet and enjoyable forms of exercise reduce depression . Different people have various levels of fitness and abilities, but by starting gently and slowly increasing the amount of exercise performed one can reach their optimum mental and physical health.

Occasionally, loneliness and boredom keeps a person from engaging in activity. This can lead to depression, which then leads to isolation. Preventive methods that Bay Area Dementia Care utilizes to combat this is finding a peer, relative, volunteer or even a pet with which to engage which then may bring a needed boost to morale that aids in more activity. Seniors, who enjoyed a certain hobby or pastime when young, should get the chance to try it again, perhaps, in an easier form. By motivating the mind, the body reacts, and both benefit. It is never too late to start a personalized activity regimen, but the sooner, the better.

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