When you see a beautiful fruit tree and enjoy its fruits, you notice the seed inside the fruit. In this small seed, the mighty fruit tree grew. It produced the sweet fruit and created pleasure. It bore abundant fruit because it was carefully cultivated.

When you think of fruit, it is easy to trace its beginning to the small seed. However, when you look at successful people, you see the fruits of their labor. The seed is harder to find and seems illusive. The fruits of good health, prosperity , a thin body, freedom from smoking, and many more can be listed. The fruits are out in the open for all to see.

Where is the seed of this wonderful fruit? What is different about successful people? Is it luck? How can we locate this precious seed?

I have looked at the orchard of my own mind and have found two types of seeds growing in my orchard. The one type of seeds grew weeds of failure and illness. These weeds grew bad grades, separated me from would-be friends, and created intense depression . There were other seeds in my orchard that bore the sweet fruits of good friends, success at work, a good marriage and happiness .

Since it is harder to look at the inner workings of other people’s minds, I will use my own mind to reveal the seeds of success. When I was raised by my parents, they planted two types of seeds in the orchard of my mind. I tried cultivating both types and got two different results. Since I was blind shortly after birth, my parents feared that I would be hurt. They would stop adventures into harm’s way with the words “you can’t.” They meant well when they used these words. They also were afraid when teachers at school began to teach me to use the white cane. They discussed many of the bad things that could happen. The plants that grew were the weeds of fear and limitation. The plants of anger and resentment also grew. These weeds pushed away friends, created sickness, and resulted in poor performance in school.

When my parents planted these weeds, they also planted quite different plants. These plants bore fruits of beauty and sweetness. They wanted me to be successful. They often talked about successful blind people who had jobs and did well. They also planted the belief that if these blind people could do well, then I could do well as well. They also talked about Thomas Edison, Albert Peyson Terhune, and many more. They were successful in their own right raising five children and enjoying many good times.

When I planted and cultivated the I can thoughts, I had more friends, developed a successful career, and am happily married. I experimented in the orchard of my mind and prefer the second type of plant. It was difficult to change course, but the rewards were worth it in the long run.

For some people who have planted weeds in the orchard of their mind, change needs to be directed. These people have a hard time identifying the weeds in their mind. They see the weeds and can’t find the seeds that produced such ugly weeds. They come to me for help to change their weed garden into a beautiful orchard.

When I work with these people, I help them to plant images of success in the orchard of their mind. I help them to develop the beliefs from the seeds of success-promoting thoughts and ideas. When these new thoughts are cultivated into new beliefs, the results are dramatic. An obese person loses weight, a failing child performs well in school, and the body heals easier.

My nephew is an example of this. He had been going to the doctor to get rid of warts. Nothing worked. He felt embarrassed by the warts. He used hypnosis and the warts are disappearing.

One of my clients developed success beliefs. She became happier, went back to work, and lost one hundred pounds. She succeeded by changing her beliefs. Her new beliefs promoted success in all areas of her life. She used hypnosis cds and was able to have these positive images repeated many times in order to plant them in her mind.

Look in your own mind. Take time to identify the seeds so that you can grow the tree that bears fruits of success. If this is difficult for you, a hypnotherapist can help. Take the next step and plant the seeds that you desire instead of the ones that happen to grow easier.When you see a beautiful fruit tree and enjoy its fruits, you notice the seed inside the fruit. In this small seed, the mighty fruit tree grew. It produced the sweet fruit and created pleasure. It bore abundant fruit because it was carefully cultivated.

When you think of fruit, it is easy to trace its beginning to the small seed. However, when you look at successful people, you see the fruits of their labor. The seed is harder to find and seems illusive. The fruits of good health, prosperity , a thin body, freedom from smoking, and many more can be listed. The fruits are out in the open for all to see.

Where is the seed of this wonderful fruit? What is different about successful people? Is it luck? How can we locate this precious seed?

I have looked at the orchard of my own mind and have found two types of seeds growing in my orchard. The one type of seeds grew weeds of failure and illness. These weeds grew bad grades, separated me from would-be friends, and created intense depression . There were other seeds in my orchard that bore the sweet fruits of good friends, success at work, a good marriage and happiness .

Since it is harder to look at the inner workings of other people’s minds, I will use my own mind to reveal the seeds of success. When I was raised by my parents, they planted two types of seeds in the orchard of my mind. I tried cultivating both types and got two different results. Since I was blind shortly after birth, my parents feared that I would be hurt. They would stop adventures into harm’s way with the words “you can’t.” They meant well when they used these words. They also were afraid when teachers at school began to teach me to use the white cane. They discussed many of the bad things that could happen. The plants that grew were the weeds of fear and limitation. The plants of anger and resentment also grew. These weeds pushed away friends, created sickness, and resulted in poor performance in school.

When my parents planted these weeds, they also planted quite different plants. These plants bore fruits of beauty and sweetness. They wanted me to be successful. They often talked about successful blind people who had jobs and did well. They also planted the belief that if these blind people could do well, then I could do well as well. They also talked about Thomas Edison, Albert Peyson Terhune, and many more. They were successful in their own right raising five children and enjoying many good times.

When I planted and cultivated the I can thoughts, I had more friends, developed a successful career, and am happily married. I experimented in the orchard of my mind and prefer the second type of plant. It was difficult to change course, but the rewards were worth it in the long run.

For some people who have planted weeds in the orchard of their mind, change needs to be directed. These people have a hard time identifying the weeds in their mind. They see the weeds and can’t find the seeds that produced such ugly weeds. They come to me for help to change their weed garden into a beautiful orchard.

When I work with these people, I help them to plant images of success in the orchard of their mind. I help them to develop the beliefs from the seeds of success-promoting thoughts and ideas. When these new thoughts are cultivated into new beliefs, the results are dramatic. An obese person loses weight, a failing child performs well in school, and the body heals easier.

My nephew is an example of this. He had been going to the doctor to get rid of warts. Nothing worked. He felt embarrassed by the warts. He used hypnosis and the warts are disappearing.

One of my clients developed success beliefs. She became happier, went back to work, and lost one hundred pounds. She succeeded by changing her beliefs. Her new beliefs promoted success in all areas of her life. She used hypnosis cds and was able to have these positive images repeated many times in order to plant them in her mind.

Look in your own mind. Take time to identify the seeds so that you can grow the tree that bears fruits of success. If this is difficult for you, a hypnotherapist can help. Take the next step and plant the seeds that you desire instead of the ones that happen to grow easier.

Author's Bio: 

I have been a therapist for many years in the Boston area.. My discipline is social work and I am a licensed independent clinical social worker in Massachusetts. I practice in a clinic in Malden Massachusetts where I use both rational emotive therapy and hypnosis to help people achieve their goals. My private practice is also very rewarding in which I do home-based hypnosis.

I live with my husband, a seeing-eye dog named Winston and a retired Seeing-Eye dog named leslie

For more information about me, visit:
http://www.at-homehypnotherapy.com .. Feel free to email me at: mailto:margaretbutler@at-homehypnotherapy.com .