Opening up to your true self can be a very rewarding experience. It can shed light on not only who you are, but what you have become. Often, we do not see the real us. We get lost in our day-to-day lives, the managing of our existence, and forget to connect to the real us. Sometimes we may even be living a life that doesn’t even connect to who we really are. We may act and relate to others not from our true selves, but from an idea of who we think we are. Our whole life could be a mirage, a duplicate existence, that doesn’t connect or even portray our true form.

By finding your true self you are giving yourself a new life and a new understanding of what you are and what you are meant for. Life can exceed our expectations because when we come from a place of connection, we find our gifts and what is important for us to share with the world. Do you ever feel like you are not the real you? Have you ever questioned why you behave like you do? Are you ever confused at the person you have become because it doesn’t feel right? All of these are signs that there is more to you that you have yet to discover and open up to. You could see the world with new eyes, a clear heart, and a mind that understands not only you, but the world around you as well.

If you have ever felt out of place, know it is because you are not coming from the real you and have not been living your life as your true self. By uncovering this unique person within you, your true self, you will feel free. You will feel like a weight has been lifted, for you are no longer covered up by this other person you thought was you. By releasing your old self and discovering the real you, you can become what you are destined for in this life. It is like experiencing an awakening and a new beginning all at once. It is choosing your true self over your idea of who you are. Have you ever felt lost, disconnected, and didn’t know why? It is because you are living your life as someone else. Become the real you by letting go of your older self. Find out what it means to be your true self, become connected, and live your life as you are meant to.

Author's Bio: 

Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life, to help others release what is holding them back, and to find their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment.
Open up to the peace you will find when you finally see yourself , your true self . Find yourself and learn how to become one with your destiny , truly be in the moment , and reach enlightenment at Answers in Writing .