Customers have access to the easy steps guide book which has sold over 10 million in 57 countries and has been translated into 38 languages, so it must be good. If books aren’t for you, and you want a network of people to support you through this decision then the Stop Smoking clinics are available in 150 cities in over 45 countries worldwide, which have helped 50,000 smokers rid themselves of their unwanted habit.

However if there isn’t a clinic near you then online programmes and seminars as well as the webcast services are available to make sure that you don’t miss a thing in your process to giving up smoking.

Not only are these amazing simple products and services available to individuals, but there has been a service created which is available to cooperate organisations, with fully-managed programmes and seminars available for staff members, to create a new happy and healthy workplace.

The way that these world famous stop smoking tips work, is not by focusing on will power and the negative impacts of smoking. This simple guide focuses on why people still smoke knowing the impacts on money, their health and the stigma and slavery that goes along with it. It focuses on the individuals’ needs and the common problems that people come across when they try and give up smoking. This could be the fear of giving up smoking, not being able to enjoy life without the pleasure of smoking, managing stress without cigarettes or even be able to eradicate the craving completely and end up going back to smoking.

This process works through these fears to make smokers understand, that in-fact smoking, isn’t something they need in their lives and can be free of the cravings, without the feeling of being deprived of something they enjoyed doing. As for the nicotine craving, the physical withdrawal is very insignificant, so it becomes something of removing a habit that a smoker depends on.

This process uses psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and a combination of seminars and programmes to eradicate these fears and bring freedom to smokers who are trapped in their cigarette cravings. So there are no gimmicks, no substitute aids, so nicotine gum or patches, no inhalers or shock treatment, injections or lasers it’s merely based on the right frame of mind. It will only happen if you really want it to.

This simple guide promises smokers that it will be easy to do and you won’t miss smoking one little bit, there won’t be any withdrawal worries or fears of going straight back, it works for both heavy long term smokers as well as light and social smokers and it won’t cause you to put on weight either. Not only can this simple guide be used for giving up smoking, they can tackle issues with alcohol, drugs as well as weight gain problems with the same easy step tactics.

Author's Bio: 

Want to stop smoking ? I’m a writer who likes to write articles about stop smoking, books regarding smoking and will guide you about how to stop smoking . You can find more information on stop smoking here at website.