Going to a prestigious university is an extremely interesting/odd/humbling/unique experience. Chances are, almost everyone you meet has some incredible talent that they are using to make the world a better place. I take classes amongst students my age who have founded various incredible organizations and companies such as FaceAids , TerriblyClever , and National Marriage Boycott . With our community already set up with such high expectations, those of us who don't own a company or organization are sitting on our butts trying to figure out what our purpose is in life - or at least it seems like it.

I wish this post is a "how to" or "tips to" find purpose in life... but rather, because this is what is on my mind right now, here is one about what it's like being 21 years old right now...We are used to being told "You're young, ambitious, and curious! The world is yours! You can do whatever you want! That is your purpose! You will be successful!" Okay... So what does that mean?

For some, it means going into I-banking, making a lot of money, and living in a super chic apartment in Manhattan. For others, it means taking all of the necessary chemistry and bio classes, taking the MCAT and getting into Med school, and then becoming a doctor in our late 30s. This is our purpose. This is our success.

But to get here, many of us plow through life finishing one requirement after another, not remembering to look around and take in the view as we speed through. I find that for some people, it works for them. Perhaps this is how they are able to establish their organizations. For people like me who have some how learned to take the moment to stop and look around, the world is a daunting place.

This is where I am right now - I've been given the amazing tools, resources, and support that allows me to extend myself in directions I never imagined, but also have been exposed to great ideas that have forced me (luckily) to stop, breathe, and be present in the moment I am in right now. But now that I am working on staying present, I have been struck by a sudden panic of loss of purpose.

Internal Dialogue: Do I have the time to be concentrating on the present? I don't even have a company yet, I can't be taking the time to enjoy 'now'. That's a luxury successful people have. I need to go. I need to establish myself. I need to do something to change the world.

Loss of purpose, loss of meaning, and loss of self.

But this is exactly the time to be excited and full of purpose! I have the ability to look around me and see what is actually going on now. My purpose is to be present in every moment so that I am aware of my surroundings and can act accordingly as experiences and opportunities present themselves.

What is my purpose? I don't know. Will I change the world? I don't know. But I do have all of the world in front of me and all of the time that I need because every moment is now. Success is measured, at least for me, through what I discover by being present. If that eventually manifests itself in a company or organization, great! But if not, at least I took the time to indulge myself in what was around me. And who knows, maybe I still have changed the world somehow.

Sound preachy and idealistic? Okay. But why not?

Have a great weekend!

PS. Here's another great post coping with society's lack for compassion: You All Deserve My Attention... I'm Sorry If I Ever Deprived It From You .

PPS. Another young mind contemplating the right things: Joining Intent

Author's Bio: 

Intent.com Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.