Cell Phones
George Grant | September 7, 2016 | Blogs | No Comments
We love our smartphones, but it turns out there are dangers associated with using cell phones.
Thousands of studies link cell phone radiation to a long list of serious illnesses including cancer. Cell phone radiation exposure has been principally linked to two types of brain tumor:gliomas and acoustic neuromas.
Cell phone radiation exposure has also been linked to many other cancers, including:
Cancer of the Pituitary Gland
Thyroid Cancer
Melanoma Risk
Stem Cell Cancer
Parotid Malignant Tumors
Lymph Node Cancer
Multifocal Breast Cancer
Eye Cancer
In 2015, 190 scientists from 39 nations submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN member states, and the World Health Organization (WHO)to encourage precautionary measures, to limit EMF exposures, and to educate the public about health risks particularly to children and pregnant women.
The most effective method of protection from cell phone radiation is complete avoidance. If thats not possible, start bytakingthese precautionary steps:
Limit cell phone calls to those that are absolutely necessary
Avoid making or receiving calls in places with bad reception
Put your phone on airplane mode when you are not using its wireless functions
Avoid carrying your cell phone in your pocket or anywhere on your body when its switched on
Use earphones, preferably an airtube headset, so you wont have to put your cell phone close to your head (Note: Do NOT a Bluetooth headset which also emits radiation)
Do not take your cell phone into your bedroom at night. If you must, keepit in airplane mode and as far from your head as possible
Choose to text instead of calling whenever possible
If a long conversation is in place, opt to meet the person directly or call on a land line
Brief Biography:
Prof. Dr. George Grant, Ph.D., is known as “The Caring Doctor”. He is considered the Canadian authority in Integrative Medicine & Functional Medicine and Canada’s Wellness Ambassador.
Dr. Grant is an award, bestselling celebrity author of 10 books, 5 patents, 250 published papers, 375 papers reviews, hundreds of conference presentations and he is a senior editor of 5 scientific journals. Co-authored books with Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracey, Les Brown and hundreds of other celebrity bestselling authors.
He pioneered the research on Beta Endorphins; organized and presented at the International Pain Conference in Chicago, IL; with Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins & Harvard. He has helped several fortune 500 companies worldwide; non-profit organizations; and top Olympic Athletes.
Prof. Dr. Grant believes thatPrevention is better than Intervention, Self Care is better than Crisis Care and Meditation is better than Medications. We care, serve and educate NOT medicate, operate, radiate nor vaccinate.
Prof. Dr. Grant worked as a Senior Consultant for Health Canada, FDA and CDC as well as in private practice. He helped clients at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto to recover from clogged arteries.
Prof. Dr. Grant has helped 7500 clients worldwide to achieve Total Wellness by focusing on healthy lifestyle.
Prof. Dr. Grant is an Editor of several refereed scientific journals, 190 published articles, 150 conference presentations, 300 papers review, 180 book reviews and 10 bestselling books. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief for the Food Sc. & Nutrition Journal as well as The Women’s Health Care Journal.
1. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1995Ed.D./Ph.D., Educational Psychology
2. BROCK UNIVERSITY 1991M.Ed., Educational Psychology
3. UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN 1985M.Sc., Food Chemistry, Microbiology/Toxicology
5. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1973B.Sc., Food Sc. & Nutrition
6. UNIVERSITY OF ALEXANDRIA 1972B.Sc. Hons., Genetics & Biochemistry
7. WONM World Organization of Natural medicine, Doctorate in Integrative Medicine. IMD 1996.
Professional Work Experience:
1. www.academyofwellness.com
, Founder 1981 to Present.
2. Health Canada, Ottawa, ON. Senior Consultant. 1991-1999
3. Seneca College, Toronto, ON. Professor. 1982-1991
4. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, sask. Research Scientist, 1977-1982.
5. University of British Columbia, vancouver, B.C. Scientist 1972-1977.
Help Clients, corporations and non profit with wellness assessment via non invasive Biofeedback/Bio Mat Treatment to reduce pain & stress naturally.
Written 10 books.
Earned 7 Degrees.
Helped 8500 clients, corporations worldwide for 40 years.
Editor in chief for may refereed journals.
Published & reviewed hundreds of papers.
Multilingual Caring Enthusiastic & keen to learn
International Expansion Consulting Non Profit Health And Fitness Coach Alternative Medicine
Affiliates who are enthusiastic to help clients & corporations & non profits to reach optimal wellness. Generous Compensation.
LOCATIONS: Toronto, ON, Across Canada, USA, The Caribbeans.
Promote Health and Wellness for Clients, Corporations & Non Profits Worldwide.
CBS Interview with Kathy Ireland in LA Nov. 29th, 2016: