When you are considering immigrating to Canada, the land of your
dreams , a lot of thoughts might have crossed your mind. You’ll start
evaluating the expectations vs reality of uprooting your family and
starting in an unfamiliar country.
Here’re some expectations vs reality of life In Canada by the best
Canada Migration Consultants - M&G Study Abroad & Immigration
1. Quality of life
Expectations: Better than the one you had back home.
Reality: Yes, in Canada you can have a much-escalated
quality of life. The main perks are:
1. Flexibility of working from home.
2. Great outdoors life as Canada has some picturesque
national parks with hiking trails, biking trails, winter
sports etc.
3. Good weather for 9 months of the year. But Canadian
winters can be harsh.
4. Good transit system. Don't really need a car in the
5. Consistent reliable utilities like power.
6. Good quality public education.
7. Govt. services are streamlined, inherent and easy.
8. Can participate in many local events happening in
your city.
9. Great, accessible and world class healthcare.
10. Driving around can be easy once you get the hang of
2. Career
Expectations: You can immediately get a job in Canada.
Reality: Depends on your education, capability and luck. Most
people start off as an intern and then work upwards in the
corporate world. Some get easy access to their roles while for
others the growth is slow. But you can expect a better work

culture, work ethics & team relationships within the office. Your
Canada immigration consultant may be able to guide you in
3. People
Expectations: People are very friendly in Canada.
Reality: Yes! Canadians are polite, generous, courteous and
fun loving. Canada is a melting pot of diverse cultures. Food,
entertainment & sports play a big role in the local culture of
4. Expenses
Expectations: The cost of living is low in Canada
Reality: It’s rather high as goods do not come cheap here.
Hopefully, with a good paying job, you can make ends meet in
5. Housing
Expectations: Accommodation costs are cheap in Canada
Reality: Housing in main areas like Toronto, Vancouver etc.
are very expensive. For new immigrants who migrate with
meagre savings it is quite a shocker
6. Govt. Benefits
Expectations: As a new immigrant, not likely to get
Government benefits.
Reality: Not true! When you are new to the country and is
having a meagre income, the Govt. will support you with
subsidies and benefit programs which are credited directly to

your account. Other benefits are maternity leave (1.5 years),
unemployment insurance etc.
7. Crime rate
Expectations: Canada has a low crime rate.
Reality: Generally, Canada is considered a safe and peaceful
country. People in Canada are generally more compliant with
the law. But in big cities the crime rate is rather high.
Migrating to Canada is a major decision in your life! Be prepared to
go through a complicated process. Only the best Canada
immigration consultants can guide you through this.

Author's Bio: 

M & G is an immigration and Study Abroad consultancy company working very closely with a team of lawyers in Canada and led by eminent professionals. M & G operations was started in an effort to help people relocate and provide awareness of various opportunities to live, study and work abroad. M & G is associated with Mathew & Gupta Barristers and Solicitors, a law firm based in Toronto, Canada. M & G Specializes in all types of visa applications in Canada and also offers assistance with admissions to students to a variety of countries with full guidance and support.