How do you find time to create a little piece of calmness in your world?

For me it is mornings. I purposefully wake up an hour before I need to be a wake. This allows me to take the time to getting up, I am not rushed, I get my 15-20 minute shower. I mean how often does that happen ever when you have teenagers in the house.

I get to eat breakfast, which we all know is the most important meal of the day, you know. I can make lunch, saving my budget.

But most importantly I able able to spend 30 minutes in just being quiet.

I am able to write in my journal, I am able to set my intention for the day. I can think about all the things and people that I am grateful for in my life. I use visioning, where I sit and think about what my life is going to be like when all my goals have been reached, you know when I am a 101 sitting in my rocking chair… =)

You may not be a morning person, or you may have small children, the time of day doesn’t really matter!! What is most important is the feeling you have each and every day. I wish there was a way that I could give you that feeling, just for one day.

You would see and feel the value of your quiet time and you would make the effort everyday. Trust me everyone else in your life will appreciate is as much as you do.

Taking the time to de-stress and recharge your own soul will allow you to be able to nurture other relationships and make them stronger.

Step 1) Create an environment that will recharge you! – Everyone has there different happy place. Some are lucky enough to live where it is sunny all year and they can pick a hammock in the back yard. Some have busy houses where finding just one chair in a quiet corner is enough. My personal favourite is a reading chair in the cornor of my office, I like the feeling of being in a big library surrounded by books , everyone knows that you need to be quiet in the library!

Step 2) Get comfy! – Make sure your chair is comfortable, dim the lights, turn up the lights, put on music, listen to the birds, light some candles or sit in the dark. Choose the things that add to your feeling of calm.

Step 3) Relax! – Sit in your chair, take a deep breathe. Allow all of your muscles to relax, think about each muscle and just focus on relaxing it, starting with your neck and shoulders, working your way down to your arms and legs. Start with 5 second breathing, count to 5 as you inhale, count to 5 as you exhale. Focus completely on your breathing. Allow thoughts to pass through your mind briefly, focus back to your breathing. After a couple minutes allow yourself to vision your most favourite spot, is it a warm white sandy beach, is the top of your favourite mountain retreat. And Just relax…

For me, taking this time each and every day has added so much peace , clarity and calm mypersonal life. Start with just 15 simple minutes! Commit to it! You will see the difference right away!

Author's Bio: 

Lori Lynn Smith is a passionate and an authentic teacher who shares her real life experiences about creating a more nurturing and fulfilling lifestyle. Get her Free eBook and Mp3 The 5 Myths of Self Care Click Here.