One of the best things to do to in order to keep an audience occupied online while using a social media platform is to have many digital personas. These digital personas must speak specifically to what the target market wants to hear. This is to say that not every digital persona will match up with every client and every situation. However, many companies try to have one voice for many markets, and this is a major problem. One of the things we do in Internet marketing is to have multiple marketing channels for multiple niches. We do not try to use one landing page to land every type of client. Although this may be somewhat effective, it is not as effective as it can be if there are multiple landing pages made specifically for those clients in their specific niches. In this way, managing a digital persona that is equal to what a prospective customer wants or needs is very intelligent, because that digital persona serves as the marketing message, and a core message that resonates with the possible client or customer.

However, most social media systems do not do this well. Many social media systems do not like a company or person opening up many different personas on the Internet, and if caught, they usually remove these personas from the client's account. This is a massive problem, because there is not one size fit all approach to every single market that an entrepreneur could get into on a daily basis. Therefore, doing a digital persona marketing method can be difficult when using the wrong social media systems, because the social media systems generally are not business friendly. The right thing to do is to open these digital assets anyway, because the target markets are only interested in listening to information that pertains to them.

For example, if someone has a sewing company and a bowling ball company, it is highly likely that the sewing company should not talk about bowling balls, and the bowling balls company should not talk about sewing, because those are two totally different interests that do not fit each other's marketing. Therefore, if a client in either market sees those messages inside of their social media streams, then they will learn to ignore all those companies in the same vein.

Therefore, it is very intelligent for a company to have very many and very different digital personas on the Internet to match the client's wants, needs, and specific pace, as it relates to content that the company could develop. Therefore, finding the right company with the right mindset of managing multiple digital personas is very important for a business, because a business should always try to increase their target market through nicheing and correct nicheing is creating personas that speak to the interest and likes of a target niche, specifically.

Author's Bio: 

Scott Buendia is an SEO specialist you can find at . Visit his card on Bizbuilt here .