We don’t usually pay attention to the way we breathe. There are very few healthy people who actually practice any kind of breathing gymnastics. Usually it’s just sportsmen who regularly do breathing exercises for a better performance.
But there is another very important group of people who need to learn to control their breathing. These are pregnant women, moms of newborns and women who plan to have children in the near future.
Correct and effective breathing for a normal fetus development can not be underestimated. Future moms need to breathe for two people and provide enough oxygen for themselves and future children.
There are significant changes in the woman’s body during pregnancy that can lead to undesired health problems in the future.
Pregnant woman breathes differently than an average person. Growing uterus moves abdominal organs and diaphragm up that makes it harder for diaphragm to move correctly and as a result, lung ventilation decreases. The body of pregnant woman has to adapt to these changes as the growing baby requires more and more oxygen. However, the unusual location of diaphragm and it’s hindered movement leads to oxygen deficiency that has a negative effect on woman’s nervous and cardio-vascular system as well as on overall fetus development.
Other negative results of changed diaphragm location and activity are hindered activity of liver, gall bladder and intestines which creates discomfort during pregnancy . This can also lead to varicosity development.
Due to these reasons it is essential for pregnant women to perform regular breathing exercises in order to improve lung ventilation, oxygen exchange and metabolism. Special breathing exercises during pregnancy help the body adapt to new conditions quicker and more effectively.
It is important to mention that breathing trainings help relax, release tension and provide soft and natural massage of abdominal organs – this is vital both during pregnancy and delivery.
Another important reason for a woman to learn to control her breath is that breathing is considered to be one of the oldest, safest and most effective ways of easing natural childbirth process. If a woman can control her breathing it is easier for her to handle pains and relax. During delivery it is very important to be able to shift the attention from pain to constructive activity – correct breathing. This way a woman can follow doctor’s instructions easier while providing enough oxygen for her baby.
During the postnatal and breastfeeding period, regular breathing exercises are important for body recovery.
After childbirth abdominal muscles lose their tone which leads to sagging belly and incorrect location of internal organs.
Another frequent problem that many new moms experience is different psychological problems as there become more worries and anxieties. Some women may even have depression which often leads to more sweets and calories eaten.
Even if during pregnancy a woman had a normal body mass index, during postnatal period the risk of gaining weight is very high. For those women who already had some excess weight before and during pregnancy these risks are even higher and can cause serious health issues.
Therefore, breathing exercises are very important for prevention of such problems and maintaining a good health of moms and their babies especially in case of carrying excess weight.
Breathslim offers a simple and effective program for performing breathing exercises with the use of special device. During these exercises a slow diaphragmatic (yoga) breathing is done. During such exercises abdominal organs receive a natural massage which improves their tone and correct functioning. It also improves blood and lymph circulation.
The main training factor used in Breathslim technique is a resistance to breathing created during exhalation. As a result of this training the air is fully exhaled from the lungs and lung ventilation improves greatly, more oxygen is delivered to blood that improves metabolism.
Regular exercises with Breathslim allow women to learn to control their breathing. Usually exercises are done at night before going to bed which help to relax and get a good night sleep. It is also very convenient as exercises are done at home.
This technique is absolutely safe and the device is made in the USA out of eco-friendly materials. Only clear drinking water is used for the trainings.
Breathslim gives moms a second breath!
Headquartered in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, USA, Breathe Slim, Inc. is a global lifestyle and weight management products company providing innovative, quality solutions that help people achieve a healthy lifestyle.