If building muscle mass is your goal, nothing is more important to the process than effectively planned out muscle building workout. If you don't spend some time to piece together your workouts before you head off to the gym, then your just setting yourself up for failure. Today, I’m going to walk you through a simple yet proven workout structure that’s really extremely effective and will allow you to kick start some muscle growth without over training your muscles in the process.

In order to have an effective growth stimulating workout, there are a few things that your workouts need to accomplish. Effective muscle building workouts mix in a variety of hard and heavy basic compound exercises in a way that forces your muscles to move beyond their comfort zone every time you hit the gym. This constant pounding from your serious workouts is what shoots the signals to your brain that it needs to start packing on more new muscle mass in order to get ready for the next time it sees that type of work.

Without over-training any of the muscle groups on your body, here's how I like to structure my workouts for maximum muscle growth Start of with the clear understanding that you will Only be training each of your muscle groups 1 time each week. This will give your body enough time to recover and rebuild in between workouts.

After that, you need to decide how many training sessions you can fit in each and every week. I personally like to fit in between 3 – 5 workouts each week, just depending on how busy I am at work at the time. If you really want to gain muscle mass fast, then I think you need to shoot for a minimum of at least 3 workouts a week. If you can’t make it to the gym more than a few times each week, then you’re body's just not going to be able to gain muscle mass regularly over time.

After you know how many training sessions you can fit in each week, you need to group your body parts so that you are hammering different muscle groups in each workout. I like to structure my workouts so that I am training my legs, back and triceps and my chest and biceps on a 3 day training schedule or quads, chest and biceps, back and shoulders, glutes and triceps on a 4 workout a week schedule.

Each of your workouts should last no longer than 60 minutes max. This is more than enough time to get into the gym and really hammer your muscles in an effective way and then get out of there without taking too much time from your everyday life in the process. In order to make this happen efficiently, you’ve got to limit the number of work sets in each of your workouts and you’ve got to stick to your prescribed rest intervals.

If you take this muscle building workout advice to heart and you implement what you've learned, then you should be able to pack on some serious muscle mass quickly, easily and naturally!

Author's Bio: 

When it comes to building muscle mass, there aren't too many things that are more important than your bodybuilding workouts . Find out how you can build muscle mass fast by designing an effective series of muscle building workouts!