By Coach Stephanie Wood, PPC, Your Body Image Expert\

Health and wellness experts encourage taking care of our bodies by providing quality nourishment, exercise, and rest. Ok, you already KNOW what to do, and perhaps you do it all now…so why don’t you FEEL good about your body when you look at your reflection in a mirror?Perhaps a better question: “How does your body FEEL about you?”


Your knowledge of your body goes beyond the numbers: height, weight, size, color, pulse, Blood Pressure, etc. Numbers, as we have discussed in other articles (links here), are relative and essentially meaningless when we look at the only thing that matters: feelings.

Happy or Sad?

Your body image makes you happy or it makes you sad… and where to those feelings originate?

  1. First in your body
  2. Filtered through your mind
  3. Based on your judgment.

In order to change the outcome, we need to examine the original input. Your body’s feelings about your physical self is totally NON-JUDGMENTAL. She is who she is, and barring illness or injury, she accepts her situation with equanimity. Because she functions in her life space, she is happy…and most importantly, she wants you to be happy, too.

It’s never too late to improve your body knowledge and therefore improve your body image through that knowledge.

Sound simple?

Because it is simple!

Start now to get to know your body the way she deserves to be known and watch your confidence rise along with your body image.

For more information, contact Coach Stephanie @


King & I Classic

Contact Your Body Image Expert:
Coach Stephanie Wood, ICF Certified Coach, PCC

For Women and Men who Care about their Wellness &
For Wellness Professionals who Care about their Clients

Google + Brand New Body Confidence Community with Stephanie: http//


Author's Bio: 

As a Dancer, Choreographer, Personal Trainer, Body and Business Coach/Mentor, Stephanie Wood's focus is now with her Body Knowledge System ® Philosophy for Living-Doing it Your Way! (a Pioneer here/her legacy) which is a practical system to have people realize the importance of including their body’s intelligence in every choice they make (including and not limited to food, exercise, health, events, environment, work and relationships). She also enjoys Mentoring Professionals in Wellness in beginning and thriving within their new entrepreneurial business. Certifications are available.