To lead a better life is our real necessity. Most of us, most of the time are unaware of how to lead a better life. Throughout the Ages all the Religious and Spiritual teachings all over the world emphasized about the importance of various values and virtues of leading a purposeful life. Here we are trying to mention some of the simple rules for leading a purposeful life.
1. Acknowledge your blessings
We should always accept and approve and be grateful for all the blessings and favourable things that you receive from the Almighty God. Always have faith
in the creator. He will look after and give us all the courage and confidence in our life.
2. Belief in our Success
Let us always understand that today or tomorrow we will become a successful person. Victory in our life is the rule. The simple thing is that we should not be worried by the simple setbacks that we experienced in life. Always move with Courage and Strength in all areas in your life.
You always deserved Success!
3. Ignore Your Mistakes and Forgive YourselfAll human beings are prone to make mistakes and errors in our life. Nobody is perfect. Perfection is next to impossibility. We can't find a single person in this world who hasn't made a mistake in life. Failure is a stepping stone to success. All successful people learned from their mistakes. We should not be worried about the mistakes and failures, we have made in life. Better to ignore it always. Make it a habit to forgive ourselves for our selfmade mistakes and failures and try to come out with flying colours in our life.
4. Fine time to Relax daily.Amid our daily busy schedule, we should find out sufficient time to relax our mind and body to regain our Health & Well-being. Many of us cannot find time for relaxing, thinking that their work is the only important thing in their life. Such people get stressed out and burned out at the end of their life. Let us understand that a peaceful and balanced life is more important for us.
5. Always Nurture Happy and Peaceful Thoughts.It is very interesting to know that most of the people are more concerned about the negative things in their life. They always emphasis on negativity. If you understand that our thought is the creator of our life, we will never nurse negative thoughts in life. Know that this world is full of All the Blessings by Almighty. It is us to decide and receive the good things in life. So always replace your negative thoughts with pleasant thoughts. Always live with an inner smile.
6. Let Your Thoughts lead you in Life.If you understand that our thoughts create our reality, there is no problem in life. Let us change our thoughts and thus change our life. Always be very conscious in our talking, actions & the way we are thinking. The habit of focusing always on positive thoughts will help us to experience positivity in life.
7. Our Life is a Gift of God
Understand that each and every moment we are living with the absolute blessings of the Almighty. The very understanding of this principle will change our life in a better way.
8. Always Live in the Present.This fact is the fundamental teaching of all spirituality. We always ponder over the past and project about the future and we really missed to live the present which is eternal. Actually to live in the present is an art in life.
9. Start your day with an Attitude
of Gratitude
Every day start all your activities by giving a gratitude
prayer to the creator and also pray for all the present things to happen in your life today. Always accept everything that comes and face it with courage.
10. Laugh at Your Life
Understand that life is just like a dream and nothing is permanent. Don't be worried about the setbacks and negative happenings that we face daily. Always take life as very light and laugh at it. Laughter is the medicine in life.
11. Understand that everything is importantDon't neglect even the simple things in life. Always be aware and give attention to everything. Don't live with any preconceived notions & idea. Always look at each and everything afresh and anew. Then you will experience a totality in life.
12. Always learn new things
Our life is a real experience. Every moment new problems and challenges occur in our life. Every situation is different from the other. Every experience teach us a new lesson. It is better to be a student in life. Life is the best teacher. The attitude
of learning
new things is the best one. Really life is a continuous learning
13. Happiness
is really a state of the Mind
We are all searching for happiness outside. We try to find happiness in our daily pleasures and joy. Later we can understand that happiness will never be obtained from external things. Happiness is really an attitude
and approach in life. The moment you understand that the happiness
is a state of the mind you will become and absolutely happy and peaceful person. And you will lead a blissful life
.Article Source : (Living In Wellbeing)
Dr.Purushothaman [LivingInWellbeing], (Visionary & Director, Centre for Human Perfection, a Centre par Excellence for Mind Programming & Applied Life Themes), M.B.B.S; D.T.M&H; MS; PhD (Psycho) is currently working as a General Surgeon, Spiritual Scientist, Positive Psychologist, Life & Happiness Coach, Positive Health & Wellbeing Trainer, Mentor, Motivator, Master Mind Programmer,A Writer & Consultant to various National & International Organizations.He is currently focusing on the What Why & How Changing Human Habits (A blend of age-old Vision & Wisdom with new-age Scientific Knowledge)
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