It has been said that for every 1,000 people only 1 truly seeks God and for every 1,000 truth-seekers only 1 attains the Truth. Of course many more people seek to become millionaires. If you worked day and night at becoming a millionaire it could possibly still take you many lifetimes to generate the appropriate karma to find yourself in the proper environment to actually attain this goal.

Yet all Masters tell you that you only need this present lifetime opportunity to attain Self-Realization. Those who are sincere and determined will find their Inner Truth when they seek Him above all other things. The irony is that we put more energy into obtaining the ideal worldly life all the while knowing that it is only temporary and we are surely to leave this earth in time.

You may hit the lottery today for a million dollars and tomorrow fate comes to take you away from here. Wouldn’t your time be better spent finding the Reality that is permanent and eternal? Those who have attained Self-Mastery say the peace and joy is indescribable in comparison to worldly pleasures.

You must work hard to earn a million dollars. Even if “dumb luck” places it in your lap, you must still deal with the burden of trying to keep it. The truth is we don’t have to “earn” God, we merely have to remove the self-imposed veils blocking His Inner Presence and once you’ve found God-Realization it is yours Eternally!

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Author's Bio: 

Lateef Terrell Warnick is a "Holistic Living" Coach, Founder of 1 S.O.U.L. | Spiritual Nexus for Holistic Living, has authored "Journey of the Soul: Day One" & "P.R.O.S.P.E.R.I.T.Y. - The 10 Universal Principles for Creation," editor of "The 1 S.O.U.L. Harbinger" Newsletter providing Satsang & Daily Manna as well as CFO of Concept YOUtopia LLC a residential & commercial contracting company serving Atlanta.