You have always wanted to be the centre of attention…

Be honest, you know you have…

But you did not think that you were allowed to be that person…

You did not think that it was something that people like you were allowed to do…

And yet, YET, YOU WANT TO!

To be noticed by the world…

To be impacting lots of people just because you are you…

To speak and have people listen for no other reason than it is YOU!

Just to show up, be YOU, shine!

You want it!

And guess what?

If you would just get over yourself, you could have that!

Do you not realise just how blessed you are to live in this day and age where anyone, and I do mean, ANYONE can stand up and be recognised?

You could carve out a niche for yourself, right now, based solely on who you are and what you want to say but…

And this is the big BUT!

You have to be confident enough to claim your place…

You have to actually stand up and be counted…

You actually do have to put yourself on display…

You have to SHOW UP!!!!

And in order to do that, you will have to get over yourself and all your hangups about whether you can or whether you have something to say or whether anyone wants to listen to you or anything like that!

You get over that and you show up anyway!

You become the person you see in your mind’s eye!

You literally design your life and you become THAT PERSON!

It has always been you!


But life happened, right?!

You can still hear the sound of THAT voice in your head telling you what you can and cannot do and how silly you are and how deluded you must be to think that anyone cares what you have to say…

You must be able to hear that voice and still show up without letting it affect you…

Will you do that?!

Because this is something I know about you…

Yes, the real you may be flamboyant and you may have a strong desire to be on display…

And yet, in addition to that…

Your story, your message…

That can be a beacon of hope for others…

You care deeply about the people you want to speak to…

Yes, your need to be flamboyant and out there, is ALLLL about you and there ain’t nothing wrong with that, remember!

But for you, it is also ALLL about the people you want to impact…

Because you know you have something to say…

You have been holding it back your whole life…

Thinking that you had to be some thing or some one else, more professional, more together…

Before finally getting permission to show up…

But you start to see now that no one is going to give you permission…

You are literally waiting for you to give YOURSELF permission and once you do that…


Nothing can stop you…

Your ultimate success and impact is a done deal…

Once you decide that it is!

But it is your choice…

Will you unleash the awesome that is you?

Or will you hold back and shy away from the limelight?

Will you stand up and say what you have to say?

Or will you pretend to be humble (as if that is even a thing!)?

Your people are waiting for you to shine your light on them…

There are things you will say in the way that you ALONE will say them that your people need to hear…

And they are waiting, waiting, wondering where you are…



WILL YOU, leader?

The world awaits your awakening!!!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live.

PS – SPIRIT SEX SUCCESS is coming up!

In July, a new set of 10 leaders will start a 6 week, one on one journey with me to the next level for them. This is a business bootcamp like nothing you have ever experienced before…

We will talk spirit and intuition and how that can be used to attract in yoru perfect people and also how that foudation of love will cause you to show up as leader in all your communications,

We will talk sex and how your dodgy sex life is holding you back from being the charismatic leader you know you are born to be.  How to utilise your sexual energy to shine!

We will talk your past story and how it can hold you back and how to use it to accelrate you instead…

We will talk strategy – You want the big bucks?!  Well this is how you will get them! as well as attracting attention that keep you always in the spotlight.

How is it delivered?

4 training modules

4 live q and a calls

6 one on one calls

Together, we will break down who you have always thought you HAD TO BE so that you can become the powerful, charismatic leader who attract customers, clients every single day of the week – The person you always thought you were.

We get past your nonsense and together we put together a 6 figure business.

It is time!

Find out more and get in touch to ask any question or simply just claim your spot at

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online