Life is a jungle, and to survive it's constant maze, we must learn to rely on our natural instincts and ability to react quickly when a threat appears. Knowing this, think about your own life and the recent tasks and obstacles that you have conquering for the past months, in either your personal or professional life. Since October 2009, Mars has been very busy traveling through the heavy forests that are ruled by Leo (of course, as he IS the king of the jungle!). These vibrations have been available to increase our bravery and confidence, to do what was necessary, to get control in our lives. Now that we've been reintroduced to our inner strength and defined our territory, we must nurture and protect it, as Mars will move into Virgo on Monday June 7, til the end of July. The aggressive energy that Mars has, will burn differently now, as it's energy is more contained, if we are to protect the home fires. Rather than react instantly as in Leo, the energy is grounded, slowing things down so that we find patience and create a plan that is proven to outlast past decisions in order to bring us success. Luckily for us, Virgo is a perfectionist who is quick to critique over the simplest detail, but they rule when it comes to improving ideas. For Virgo's, or signs with Virgo being prominent in your natal chart, Mars can give you the fiery passion and edge that you have been looking for. Mars also rules sex, so you can expect your appetite for connecting with another to increase.

Virgo rules our service to others, our work, health, and personal well-being. Mercury rules Virgo, communications and the way we process our thoughts. Mars will energize many of these areas - where we may become overwhelmed with thoughts and ideas flooding our brain and speech. Mars can be just the fuel you needed to get on a fitness kick or to jumpstart new projects at work. On the flip-side, Mars can create anger if it feels stifle or taken advantage of. Mars will increase its aggressive speed to get to the heart of the matter. We could become extremely defensive, and determined to protect what we've been freely giving away. Mars can be a little too excessive for the more sensitive Virgo's and stir more nervous energy and cause sleepless nights. Virgo rules the respiratory system, the intestinal tract, and bowels. If you find these areas becoming irritated, it may be time to step back, check your food intake, and de-stress with meditation, creative visualizations, or affirmations .

As Mars enters Virgo, he will also be temporarily rooming with Saturn (another tough cookie) who has been helping us to clean up self-defeating patterns for the past five months. Mars will create a feeling of urgency to make things happen NOW, but there's a good chance that we'll feel stifled with the heavy responsible energy that Virgo and Saturn are made up of. It's a time that we can thank our lucky stars for Virgo's 'nit-picky' influence, helping us to become just as anal over the simplest details in our life - which is for our own good - to slow impulsive behavior so that we can patiently make smarter choices. Look to the house that Virgo rules in your natal chart to help your figure out what direction that you want to go in: fixing ourselves or trying to fix another. Here are a few words of wisdom: no one can be fixed, unless they are doing it for themselves. Be a little selfish now, and concentrate on your own personal growth .

"I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself." Aldous Huxley

Our emotional approach to handle life becomes self-righteous and blameless in today's Aries Moon. Use this sensational cardinal energy to create our week on a good note, as Aries likes fresh starts and new beginnings. get ready to jumpstart a new project, but let new ideas erupt now - to create the perfect intention for this weekend's New Moon. Check out the Starcana June Tarotscope for your zodiac sign's personal tarot card message - to guide your journey.

Our approach to life is more tolerant and observant as Moon enters Taurus Tuesday June 8. It's a favorable to day to concentrate on de-cluttering, organizing, and enhancing what we have in our life. Later, we become disciplined and reserved with a Mercury/Saturn trine which can produce good progress and opportunity. Communication is clear, structured, and precise. A good time to work on paperwork or finances that need attention.

You must weed your mind as you would weed your garden. ~Astrid Alauda

We have a spectacular and rare event that can open doors and create opportunities with a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. Jupiter expands, donates and increases, while Uranus rebels, electrifies, and changes. Your luck is sure to change, which can allow you to reap the rewards of what you have been busy sowing (or not sowing!). As these these two 'outer' planets meet and connect, we can take advantage of the time that it takes for them to disconnect over months ahead! We can expect great flashes of light and illumination. They glow brilliantly in Aries, stimulating both completion and advancement. Organizations, groups, and circles of friends increase. Technology will expand in a really big way. Jupiter rules religion, publishing , and education, so we could see some major changes really start to develop in these fields. On the flip side, an overwhelming amount of agitation could have some choosing detachment in a big way. Rebellious individuals, bullies, hate groups also grow. The weather will be just as erratic and moody as they sit in furious Aries. More strength and increased numbers in hurricanes, tornados, micro-bursts, lightning strikes, and fires. Use caution with electrical outlets and appliances. To know where a major shifts and change of luck is happening in your life, check your natal chart for the house that Aries rules. Expect the unexpected, and the unpredictable.

In my opinion with the tarot : The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) creates movement and a huge shift in our secure world as we see in The Emperor (Aries). The Wheel of Fortune provides luck, blessings, and chance. A windfall of goodness (or not so goodness) depending on the hands of fate. The Wheel of Fortune (our circle of life) is similar to the game of roulette... one that can be the cause of great 'blessings' or great 'affliction'. Sort of like when we wish we would win the lottery, and for some it's the best thing ever - and for others, it was nothing bit a curse.

The Fool (Uranus) offers us a brand new start. Depending on the individual, this can either be great - or not so great. Great lessons bring great rewards in some form or another. Choices that we have made are being judged by the Universe, and our destiny relies on the karmic wheel of consequence.

Illusions and forgetfulness may get the best of us on Wednesday June 9, with a Mercury/Neptune square. We could struggle with responsibilities today, so be patient, write notes, and be careful on the words we choose.

There's a lot of emotional activity in the cosmos on Thursday June 10, so remember to go with the flow. Inner harmony is available to us with Mercury/Jupiter/Uranus sextile. Mercury also enters his natural home in Gemini, activating logic, socializing, and an interest to study something new for the next few weeks. Our concentration is at it's best (unless you have conflicting aspects in your personal chart). Moon also joins in on the party, entering Gemini, which is helpful to put sensitivities on the back burner for awhile. Basically it's a good day, and we only have one bump in the road with a Moon/Mars squares later this evening.

We're still flaunting our socializing skills today at the water cooler, and there's a busyness in communications with phone calls, emails, texts, faxs, and so forth on Friday June 11. use caution later as a Mercury/Mars square could expose our impatience with an aggressive choice of words. These vibrations are bound to bring out 'the sore loser'.

We have a friendly Gemini New Moon on Saturday June 12, and it's time to rethink our desires and to put our intentions out into the Universe. We start a fresh emotional cycle with new possibilities to achieve our goals. Use this time to plant a thought or idea and give it time to grow underneath the care of the Lunar Goddess. Since the Moon is in Gemini, we should have our 'wish' revolve around communications, friendships, siblings, neighbors, learning , and short trips. A Venus/Saturn sextile produces satisfaction in a job well-done. After dinner a variety of aspects that challenge the New Moon could create an internal edginess that craves space and solitude. As Luna enters Cancer later this evening, we might be okay with some quality time to self-nurture.

There are a few aspects that can cause us a little confusion in the wee hours on Sunday June 13, which may cause disturbing sleep or communicative dreams , but the rest of the day is clear in the cosmos, so make it a great weekend!

Make it a great week!Suzi

Author's Bio: 

Astrological Happenings is written by Suzi "Starcana' Dronzek, Spiritual Tarot Astrologer. To compliment this week's cosmic report, personalized consultations are available to answer your personal questions regarding self-direction or relationship guidance. Call my local office (724) 832.9283 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (724) 832.9283      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or tollfree (888) 878-2018 or visit my website: