People offering coaching services are now taking their business online as this is one effective way in reaching wider market. If you’re one of them, let me just tell you that one of the best ways to attract those people who might need what you offer is through article marketing. This is the process of distributing useful information through articles so you can help your target market (and eventually get them to know about you and your offerings) and establish your expertise in your niche.
Below are some of the most effective article marketing techniques that you can use to ensure that you’ll be able to attract only those people who are most likely to do business with you:
1. Stick with topics related to your niche. Although you’re free to talk about any topic under the sun, it would work to your advantage and you’ll save a lot of time if you focus on topics that are related to the service that you’re offering and to those topics that your target audience considers interesting. If you’re offering internet marketing coaching programs for example, you must limit your topics to those that are related to promoting products and services in the online arena. Anything about shoes or beauty -related topics for example, will not help you in realizing your goals.
2. Offer in-depth information. Always keep in mind that your goal here is to convince your target audience that you’re really good on what you do – that you’re an expert. This will only happen if you make sure that each of your articles will speak volumes about your expertise. Instead of just general, useless information, offer in-depth info like trade secrets and insider tips. It will also help if you offer them with simple guides that they can use in realizing some of their goals or solving their pressing issues. This is a surefire way to win the trust and confidence of your prospects in no time at all.
3. Know the needs of your target audience. You’ll be able to easily capture their attention if you offer them with the exact information that they’re looking for. Before you start writing, I suggest that you do keyword research. Using the tools from biggest search engines, get the list of most popular keywords that were searched for by your target audience for the last couple of weeks. This will surely give you a clear idea about the topics that they find interesting and useful.
4. Use catchy titles. Just like other article marketer, you need to learn the ropes of writing compelling titles for your articles to boost your open rate. I suggest that you tell your readers what’s in it for them and what separate your articles apart from the rest. Pique their curiosity and promise them with great benefits and I can guarantee you that they’ll choose your articles over your competitors.

Author's Bio: 

Sean Mize is an expert at using article marketing to drive highly targeted traffic to websites. He initially developed and mastered many of the advanced article marketing tactics that are currently being used by hundreds if not thousands of marketers today (he has personally taught several thousand clients his article marketing methods and techniques)

Sean Mize is an article marketing expert and coach. Here's one of his best
article written: Powerful Methods for List Building Success