A Black Hole is a region in Deep Space created when a Sun dies. Nothing can escape a Black Hole’s gravity – not even light!

It is the ultimate negativity in the physical universe.

Any sun is essentially a gargantuan nuclear power plant, fueled by its own atomic matter, in a never-ending chain reaction of nuclear explosions of inconceivable force. But even a sun’s fuel is limited.

After millions of years, when the sun’s fuel eventually runs out, it becomes dangerously unstable, until it explodes into what is called a supernova. It bursts outwards with devastating force, increasing to many times its previous size.

As it continues to expand outwards, it envelops and vaporises its entire solar system and all other matter in its path.

After millennia, the supernova begins to cool. As it does so, all the matter previously contained in the Sun and its solar system, collapses down into a single, enormously dense object, known as a Neutron Star.

Eventually a point is reached when its gravitational forces overwhelm the pressure gradients and the neutron star’s inward collapse cannot be stopped. It continues to shrink into itself, becoming infinitely more and more dense, until it finally becomes a black hole.

For any object to escape the gravity of our own Planet Earth it has to be traveling away from the Earth’s surface at about 7 miles (11.265 kilometers) a second.

As the neutron star collapses, all the matter of its entire solar system is crushed into smaller and smaller volume. The smaller it becomes, the more infinitely dense it becomes. The gravity increases and the speed needed to escape its pull gets greater and greater.

Eventually a point is reached when it becomes so dense, even light – which travels at 186 thousand miles (more than 299 thousand kilometers) a second – is not traveling fast enough to escape. At this point, nothing can get out, since nothing can travel faster than light.

It has been theorized that a black hole’s gravity can become so gigantic, it can even eventually consume neighboring suns, bit by bit, by “siphoning off” all their light energy into its own inescapable blackness

That is a black hole … the ultimate negative force in the universe.

But what was that about Human black holes?

Have you ever come across individuals who just seem to “suck” any light or positive energy from their environment? Are you in orbit around a human black hole right at this moment? In your community? Your workplace? Or even at home?

How do you tell? It’s quite easy.Wherever they go, human black holes seem to carry a permanent black cloud of gloom and misfortune around with them. When they enter a room, their mere presence seems to drain any light or cheerfulness from the atmosphere. They seem to relish and thrive on predictions of doom.

Human black holes revel in always pointing out what is wrong, never offering positive alternatives to make it right. If anyone comes up with a bright new idea, their instantaneous response is to point out every single reason why the idea won’t or can’t work. Rarely, if ever, do they offer constructive ways to make it work.

If one were to heed them, every bright new dream or innovative new idea would be stillborn. They claim they are simply “being realistic” or “facing facts”. They instinctively home in on worst-case scenarios. Rarely do they ever see light at the end of their tunnels.

Anyone in orbit around a human black hole should maybe listen and hear what they say, but be mentally vigilant and keep a healthy distance from their influence – if not physically, at least intellectually and emotionally.

Or else, like their cosmic counterpart, they will siphon off all your light and positive energy, until you too eventually get drawn in and go spiraling downwards into their blackness of failure, doom and despair from which not even light can escape.

Author's Bio: 

Eric Solomon is the Founder and CEO of BecomeYourInnerHero.com -- http://www.becomeyourinnerhero.com

He has spent most of his adult life — and even part of his youth — working with people of all ages, young and old, as a mentor, coach, youth leader and teacher. as a result he has developed a deep and intuitive understanding of people — how people think and what makes them tick.

He has, over the years, come across innumerable individuals who were much better than they thought they were ... and had much more potential for growth and success than they ever believed possible.

His mission has been to help and guide these individuals to discover their inner strengths and abilities ... to help them get from where they thought they were, to where they had the potential to be.

In other words, to help them discover their Inner Hero. He was involved for many years in Public Relations and is the author of How to STAY UP When You’re Feeling Down, Gems of Light, and The Completely Objective Lasik eBook.