This article is for people who have dreams of greater lives. It can be a dream of starting a new career, greater intimacy , improved health, and any other unrealized great desire. I've learned tons while pursuing my dream of owning a thriving coaching business. I respect and empathize with your struggle, which is why this is dedicated to you.

There are four areas of life that must be dedicated to the realization of any dream: the emotions; the mind; the body; and, routine. Once you put all four of these together, you will naturally experience courage and determination.

To better explain the body and mind, I use Jonathon Haidt's metaphor in his book, Happiness Hypothesis. The emotions are the elephant and the rational mind is the rider. The elephant is important because it has heart, compassion, and meaning. The rider is vital because it thinks long-term, anticipates the future, and has analytical prowess. When the elephant wants something, the rider can feel largely helpless (think of that second piece of cake you put in your purse after bumping into your ex). Conversely, when the rider has too tight a grip on the reigns, the world can be a cold, indifferent place.

1. Get ahold of that elephant.

Getting ahold of your elephant means that you control your emotions. Does it mean that you never feel fear, a pang of insecurity, or doubt? Of course not. It means that you consciously choose what to do with those feelings. Create greater meaning from each of those emotions. Those emotions have energy in them. Decide to use that energy to see your dream come to life.

2. Make sure the rider is on your side.

We are all familiar with limiting beliefs, especially when we consider pursuing a dream. You are not a slave to those beliefs, unless you choose to let them rule you. Control your thoughts. Thoughts left unchecked harden into belief. Actively decide everyday what types of thoughts and beliefs you are willing to engage in. Get your rider and elephant to work together and you will be unstoppable.

3.Be more dynamic with less effort.

What you eat and how much you move your booty will have an effect on how much energy you have. If you are exhausted at the end of every day, consider how food is driving your away from progress. You are a living body and you need living food. Add raw fruits and veggies to your daily menu. Dedicate everything you eat to the manifestation of your dream. Living food provides tremendous energy. Once you free up the energy lost on digesting crappy food, you'll get more stuff done, faster.

4. Get a routine and a mentor.

People who are highly successful wake up early to maximize their time. Get up early and dedicate the first hour of each day to waking up your body, clearing your mind, and clarifying what you must accomplish. Ask yourself if you're living to the edges of your abilities. While pursuing a great desire you'll always find more energy, drive, and determination available. You must choose to activate that energy. Daily.

Success relies on skills. Look everywhere for ways to improve the skills needed to achieve your dream. Find people who have already achieved that same dream, and study how they accomplished it. Consider failure and mistakes merely opportunities for greater clarity. Remember, life is an evolution. Dream big, then dream bigger.

Author's Bio: 

Ariana Blossom is a Personal Success Coach living and working in Ithaca, NY. Ariana has been helping clients master their emotions and achieve their greatest desires since 2009. Her approach focuses on educating the mind and getting the body in a peak physical state.