The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we work and upended all our beliefs about the workplace and employees. The trends of working from home, remote working and working from anywhere are likely to continue well into the future, with over 90% of organisations likely to incorporate some form of a hybrid working model.

However, such a dynamic and permanent change to the working model that has been followed for centuries doesn’t come without its challenges. From ensuring employees are working in safe working conditions, are equally as productive as when they work on-site, and maintaining an optimum level of communication with remote employees all requires managers to change the way they work.

Change always comes from the top, which is why most executive search firms in Australia are now looking for adaptability and flexibility as a key characteristic when hiring for C-Suite and top management positions.

According to a survey of 100 executives across industries and geographies, productivity and customer satisfaction have actually improved over the course of the pandemic. People are working better, are more satisfied, and showing increased focus and energy when provided with flexible working arrangements. Many C-Suite executives have claimed that both individual and team productivity has increased, which in turn has led to greater customer satisfaction.

But while 58% of respondents reported an increase in productivity , a third reported no difference, and 10% even reported that the productivity of their teams actually decreased. So what was the major difference that made some companies enjoy better productivity than others? One word: communication.

The Role of Communication in the Hybrid Workplace

Regardless of where your employees are located, it is up to the leader to make them feel connected and valued. Employees working remotely may be at a disadvantage when it comes to forming relationships with their fellow colleagues through break room banter and corridor chatter. However, with the right leader, this physical distance can be significantly shortened. A leader needs to invest in tools that encourage collaboration and brainstorming, and conduct regular one-on-one or small group meetings to keep remote employees in the loop.

Invest in technology that allows employees to stay connected to their teams and the organisation at large as well as work productively and efficiently. Make time out of your day to ensure remote employees have the support they require to do their job efficiently, build a relationship with them and regularly check in to see how they’re doing. If there’s one positive thing that has come out of the pandemic, it is the knowledge that flexible working environments may not be as impossible as we have thought for decades.

A One-Size-Fits-All Approach May Not Be the Right Idea

Employees have different responsibilities, both in their professions and their personal lives. A flexible working agreement that works for one employee may not work for another. The needs of an employee who must take care of a sick family member will be different from the needs of an employee who is homeschooling four children. A leader needs to have the empathy to put themselves in the shoes of their employees and find a plan that works based on the employee’s specific needs. The nature of work, amount of client interaction and access to specialised tools may also change the way the employee works.

Before moving to a fully hybrid model, it is important for organisations to consider their context and organisation, the work they conduct and then set clear parameters for hybrid working. Developing a working model and effectively communicating it to employees can have massive advantagesーif done right.

But the first step to any kind of major change in the workplace comes from the people in C-Suite positions. Having empathetic, moral and forward thinking leaders can make all the difference between a dynamic, innovative workplace and a stagnant one. When hiring for an executive level position in Australia, make sure the executive search firms you hire for the position know of your requirements.

Author's Bio: 

I have zeal to pen down my thoughts when it comes to writing. When not working, either I am glued to my playlist, Netflix, books or you can find me splurging on myself.