You came here to be a deliberate/conscious creator and to embrace your magnificence. However, if you are experiencing a life of lack and struggle, you have not embraced that magnificence within. You have not yet recognized that who you really are is the physical expression of the Divine and an exceptional creator.
When you look at the seed of an oak, everything that makes an oak tree what it is, is already contained within the acorn. The acorn doesn’t exist under the false concept that it must be something other than what it is. As humans, we tend to strive to become something that is not in our nature. We don’t take the time to embrace who we truly are, to recognize that magnificence within. We deny our divinity and our ability to create the magnificent lives we are meant to live!
Your Inner Goddess/Inner Being/Higher Self is your magnificence. The non-physical aspect of you that is free of all the conditioning, excuses, and false beliefs that have you believing that you are LIMITED when in fact you are LIMITLESS.
So, if we came here to be deliberate/conscious creators and embrace our magnificence, why is there so much struggle and lack? Why aren’t we all living a life of abundance and ease?
The answer is because we don’t ALLOW ourselves to live a life of abundance and ease. We don’t ALLOW our magnificence to shine through. We don’t embrace our divinity. We place limits on what we can and cannot do.
You are LIMITLESS. You have the power within you to create worlds. Don’t buy into a life of limits. Embrace your divinity, your magnificence. Learn to live your life in the flow. Practice alignment. Make feeling good your number one priority. Remember, when you DANCE™ with Life, you are leveraging the Law of Allowing and by doing so, you ALLOW yourself to be magnificent.
My coach’s challenge to you is to spend some time reflecting on where you are not ALLOWING your life to flow. Try to uncover those limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Challenge them! Ask yourself if they are really true for you and when you learn they aren’t, create new beliefs that support your limitlessness. ALLOW yourself to be the magnificent being that you are meant to be and to live the magnificent life you’re meant to live! I believe in YOU! Now, YOU must BELIEVE in YOURSELF! Look for the evidence of this truth. Be open to the signs. Write them down as you notice them because the more you notice, the more evidence you will receive. The more evidence you receive, the stronger your own BELIEF will become.
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Elaine Torrance-Gingrich, The Goddess of Laughter and Possibilities, is the creator of Heal with EASE™ and DANCE™ with Life! ; her signature system that shows you exactly how to make peace with your past and your present and leverage the Universal Laws for more abundance, laughter, and magic in your life! To get your FREE 3 part email course, “Attracting Abundance” and receive her Goddess Life Ezine, visit .
Rev. Elaine C. Torrance-Gingrich is the founder of Avalonian Moon LLC, a company devoted to teaching women who are facing the challenges and transitions of midlife, how to turn their wounds into wisdom, embrace and strengthen their connection to their Inner Goddess, and leverage the Law of Attraction to create a delicious life with more abundance, laughter and magic.
Through her coaching programs, Elaine coaches her clients to make peace with where they’ve been and where they are now, see the possibilities for where they can go, believe in themselves, and to have fun along the way. Her overall mission is to empower you to feel good NOW.
To begin experiencing Elaine’s coaching, you may contact to schedule a complimentary Discover Session and discover how Elaine can empower YOU!