Breast cancer is characterized by the growth of abnormal cells in the breast tissue. This growth can occur both in men and women, however, it is more common in women. Breast cancer usually has observable symptoms like a lump or disfiguration of the breast or dimpling and peeling of the skin. About 5 to 10% of breast cancer cases are hereditary, but factors like obesity, age, and exposure to radiation can also lead to breast cancer. Women are suggested to go for breast cancer screenings regularly, by taking mammograms or clinical breast exams at the top cancer hospital in Chandigarh .

If one is diagnosed with breast cancer, several treatments are available which can be utilized to ensure their health and safety.

Chemotherapy is one such popular treatment that is universally prescribed to battle many forms of cancer. However, for breast cancer, it is frequently used as a supplement to other treatments, such as surgery, radiation or hormone therapy. Receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer may increase the chances of being cured, decrease the risk of cancer returning, mitigate symptoms, or help the patient live longer and have a better quality of life.

1. Chemotherapy for breast cancer is prescribed after a careful study of factors like tumor type, grade and size, number of nodes involved, and the possibility of relapse. Other concerns like age, genetic profile and hormonal status are also considered. These issues have to be studied thoroughly and intensively, making it vital that the patient receives proper care. For this, a cancer specialty hospital in Chandigarh must be consulted to understand whether chemotherapy is required.

2. While in most cases, surgery is the most common treatment, the hospital may suggest a Pet Scan to understand the extent of cancer’s advancement. In the case of advanced cancer, chemotherapy is administered before the surgery. This helps reduce the size of the tumor before the surgery, helping the surgeon remove the tumor completely, and in some cases, allow them to remove the tumor without removing the breast tissue.

3. Chemotherapy may also be administered after the surgery, to ensure that all remaining cancer cells, that may be invisible on scans, have been destroyed. This also helps reduce the chances of cancer recurring.

4. Chemotherapy can have several long term irreversible side effects. For instance, some chemotherapy drugs can cause infertility and ovary damage, causing an early occurrence of menopausal symptoms in women. Women on chemotherapy also have a higher chance of contracting osteoporosis, the thinning of bone density, causing brittle bones.

5. After the treatment, you will have to make appointments with your doctor, usually, every four to six months initially, and less frequently as time goes on to assess your progress. It is recommended that you schedule said appointments with the best oncologist in Chandigarh to ensure proper care and attention to prevent breast cancer from resurfacing.

6. The doctors may also suggest regular mammograms and Pet CT Scans to ensure your progress. Chest X rays, tumor marker tests, liver function tests can also be recommended on specific needs.

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Visit the best cancer hospitaltoday and get your regular health checkup done. After all, prevention is better than cure.