Sales People fall into 3 categories.

  • Can't afford to lose them
  • Can't afford to pay them
  • Can't afford to leave

Can't Afford to Lose Them

There are certain individuals who deliver so much value, that it usually takes half their working life for the pay structure to catch up with their actual worth.

Not just because of the business and profit they bring in for the organisation, but also the safe pair of hands and broad shoulders they possess.

They tend to be walking that extra mile before anyone even has the chance to ask.

When it comes to pay, giving them a few extra percentage points once a year is a drop in the ocean compared to what they're worth.

That's why good managers constantly try to warn them about the fragility of value.

The world turns, new ways become yesterday's fads, modern techniques can become embarrassing and old fashioned.

If you find yourself in this category please remember this;

Trees don't grow all the way to the sun - everything stops somewhere.

Individuals need to constantly evolve - your current perceived value is just that, what you're perceived to be worth today.

When that value becomes the norm across the team, you will suddenly become the oldest, highest paid member of your peer group.

Sadly, you will feel neither old nor highly paid.

And that is why you must continually find ways to become better tomorrow than you were yesterday; don't rest on your laurels or past successes.

Unfortunately there are those who think their current star can never dim and drop into one of the next two groups.

Can't Afford to Pay Them

Not because they're too good - as I mentioned above, money is always available for great value.

But when there ceases to be enough value it just becomes bad business.

This group fall into two camps;

  • Either the amount of profit they bring in doesn't cover what they cost, or
  • The amount of distraction they cause means you end up paying three people to do one person's job.

I once put together a new business development team for a children's charity .

The team I inherited were taking more out in wages than they were bringing in from commercial donors - there would have actually been more money in the kitty for sick children if their roles didn't exist.

When I pointed this out, one of them stood up and said;

"You don't understand; we're doing this for the kids!"

My response was that it didn't appear to be the ' kids ' who were benefitting from the deal.

Now, everyone seems to agree that depleting a pot of money from a children's charity disguised as an unproductive wage is morally wrong.

But members of group two believe it's perfectly reasonable to do the same thing in a commercial environment.

Can't Afford to Leave

I remember the morning perfectly, this guy walks into the interview room with a swagger from a 1930's detective movie, sits down and tells us why he's SO the real deal.

After a great 45 minutes we’re impressed and he asks;

"So, how much does the position pay?"

It's a fair question and we're happy to do what it takes to get the best, so we say;

"Don't worry; we'll pay you what you're worth."

To which he replies,

"But I'm already earning more than that!"

Author's Bio: 

Author and business consultant, Chris Murray is the founder of Varda Kreuz Training, one of the UK's most innovative sales training and development organisations. This year, we can help you and your team become more successful than you’ve ever been before – call the team now on 0844 293 9777 or request a call back by going to our Contact Page. We can work out a sales training programme that suits your requirements perfectly – foundation level sales training , field sales training , account management training , selling value over price , whatever it might be - but it’s a big old world out there and if you don’t take two minutes to invite us over, we may never know you need us.