Social networks appear to be all the rage today.

But, is there a social network that can help you to be happy? YES!

By accident I discovered Jason's Network, a social networking site developed by Jason McElhone. This site is a hidden jewel where people are committed to sharing their unique time, treasure, and talents, to help you become happier; while making the world a better place for everyone.

Turning Your World Right Side Up

The only thing in your life that should be upside down is your strawberry shortcake!

The irony of turning upside down, right side up, continues ...Why?

Imagine, your computer has been down all week and when you finally start to catch up on all your email's, BAM! Suddenly you are made aware something good has happened as you start reading messages wishing you - Congratulations! Congratulations for what?

As I'm trying to put the pieces together I'm struck at "How Upside Down" it was to have been off-line for so long. I'm always on-line, except during this period -doesn't it figure. So now I'm just learning Jason named me as being, "one of those positive people!" On his voice blog no less! I had no idea about this at all, but what a great welcome home, eah!

The news came at the right time for the right reason in my own personal quest through life. I Believe everything happens for a reason, where perceived bad can be transformed into a happier good, lasting like the transformation of a caterpillar into the butterfly -For that I want to say, "thank you Jason's Network!"

Other Accolades

Congratulations to Jason and all those recognized by Jason for working to productively contribute in this one of a kind social network every day in every way. Unique, unrepeatable individuals, passionate to bring the world together as one. Tirelessly working to transform our world, and helping people become the best person they were created to be.

What could be happier than this?

Sharing personal wisdom and tools with another human being freely, and with humility, is a gift that never stops abundantly giving. The wonderful unexpected surprises of life never ceases to amaze me - and the sparkle of people at Jason's Network never stops inspiring me.

Take a moment to meet these unique living colors. Shining rainbows in this experience we call life. I'm excited to share more healing rays of hope and happiness with all the best people I know, and that would be YOU!

Love and blessings,


Author's Bio: 

Deb Scott is a motivation and lifestyle consultant, specializing in working with business and corporate environments to transform poor interpersonal dynamics and low-energy groups into high-powered, successful, dynamic teams. A biology major in college, Deb became an award-winning sales and leadership specialist with 20 years of background in cardiac surgery sales. Now she applies her sales and business background to motivational speaking and consulting in the fields of sales, marketing, advertising, hiring, and teambuilding. “The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue – Turning Your Upside-Down World Right-Side-Up!” is her first book. Learn more at;