Does your life have heart?

Does your life have soul?

“Heart and soul I fell in love with you!” as the old songgoes.

Your Heroic Journey is something you can fall in love with!

If you want to truly have a good time this round on earth,
then discover the Epic Journey you are actually already
living this lifetime. Reveal the extraordinary quest that
lies right beneath the surface of your ordinary life. Uncover
the most excellent adventure behind the scenes of your
everyday survival.

Seeing your life as the Heroic Journey it is helps you
attract more love, money, vitality and meaning into your
earth adventure.

A Sacred Voyage
From the Hero’s perspective, you see all of your life
experiences as part of an epic journey, a grand voyage. When
you don’t perceive your journey as sacred you become mired at
the level of the ego and its complicated analysis of the

You Are the Dreamer; God is the Doer
You set your intentions. You decide your goals. You infuse
them with your spirit, your excitement, enthusiasm, juice.
Then, by the Law of Attraction the dreams are fulfilled.

The glory of your destiny depends on the magnitude of your
dreaming. The breadth and depth of your life adventure
depends on the breadth and depth of your conscious dreaming.

The universe always mirrors back to you the conditions ofyour dreaming.

Just as you often don’t remember dreaming during the night,
you have also forgotten that you are consciously visualizing
while you are awake—conscious dreaming.

Quantum physicists and spiritual teachers both know that the
world is dreaming itself into being.However, it takes courage and practice to shift into this
high level of perception and stay there.

To be a seer is to walk softly on the earth and dream
destiny. What you see and experience is the world you’redreaming into being. If you don’t like it, you can close your
eyes, become conscious, and create something different.

Dream Bigger
Dream bigger! Discard old limits, boundaries and obstacles
that keep you from dreaming an Epic Dream.

To be a Hero or Heroine means to be an author of your own
story. If you perceive with the eyes of the Hero, you see
that when you step into the fullness of your power, you can
dream your world into being just as you wish it to be. If you
stay on the lower levels, you’ll miss your opportunity to
grow your Sprit wings.

It’s Your StoryYour life is your story to compose as you wish.

If you no longer enjoy an aspect of your life, you can forge
a new story—a Heroic Epic that is empowering instead of

Heal Your Story
The best reason to shed your stories is because you can never
heal yourself within your story. If you’re going to spin
yarns about your life journey, you might as well make them
grand, ennobling ones. See yourself as a brave traveler.

None of your stories are true. They’re not your life. They’re
just scripts you created to try to explain what happened to
you. They are merely trail maps.

Every story is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can tell your
tale in such a way that you reclaim your nobility and power.
This is the hero’s journey.

You’re on a Soul SojournWhether you’re aware of it or not, you are on a soul sojourn.

At the soul level, solutions to problems that you can’t solvefrom the ego level suddenly become evident.

At the level of your soul, you listen below the surface of
conversations and hear their hidden messages. You understand
illness to be the warning light that tells you that
something’s going on that needs your attention and you go
beyond just treating the symptoms alone. At this level you
sense that you’re on a journey of growth and healing making a
trek back to where you were born to be in a condition of
divine well-being.

If you experience a headache, you ask yourselves “what kind
of healing is this headache calling me to?” You fix the
headache by mending the soul and your lives. You see actions
and paths that will lead you back to health and you undertake
a healing journey.

Transform Your Life Vibrationally
When you get stuck on the ego level, you spend a lot of time
struggling with problems. When you let your ego rule and
insist that you must control events, you end up in a constant
struggle against the universe.

When you shift your perception to a higher level, you can
transform the myriad of challenges you’re facing in your
emotional and physical world. You don’t work physically on
the body or psychologically on the mind. Instead you work on
the level of vibration and energy changing the matrix of your
energy field.

At the level of Hero or Heroine, you turn your wounds into a
source of power. The traumas you have experienced canactually help you find your strength, compassion and wisdom .

You accomplish this by shedding the stories of your past just
as a snake sheds her skin. In the process you will cease
being a victim of what happened to you and instead become
empowered to write your own valiant tale of strength, beauty
and healing.

You Are Not Your Story
The Hero knows that you have merely created characters andstories to explain what has happened to you in your life.
Just yarns you have spun.

But they are not you! Suffering occurs when you believe the
stories to be true … when you confuse your stories for
reality. Freedom and joy comes when you see the truth.

You cling to your tales because you derive some benefit from
them, even when they also cause you suffering. Often the
benefit of clinging to your stories is because they give you
a false sense of security and purpose. In actuality, your
story becomes a death sentence for the Hero Within because it
demands denying what doesn’t fit into its narrowly defined

The Hero Sees Only Beauty
To be a Hero or Heroine means that when you look around
you,you perceive only beauty . Everything you experience is a
projection of your own inner landscape or dream. Since you’re
the author of each event in your life, nothing ever happens
to you, and no one ever does anything to you. So you never
need to fix anything in the outer world.

If you want to change some circumstance that appears to be
outside of yourself, you simply need to transform yourself

The Hero Within
At the Hero or Spirit level your power to effect reality isat its greatest. Spirit has the ability to see the entire
picture and a teeny piece of the picture at the same time.

When you face a difficulty, the closer that you get to the
level of Hero or Spirit, the less energy you need to effect

Moving to Hero you begin to see the big picture. You
understand that what you perceive as a problem in one sphere
is actually an opportunity at the level above it. The loss of
a job or relationship becomes an invitation to reinvent
yourself. While an illness offers you a chance to make deep
changes in your life.

In retelling your stories, you uncover the positive,empowering legacy that you have been given.

You become the actor instead of the reactor. You bring thesacred to each moment and render your experiences epic.

At Hero you can prevent sickness by learning the lesson that
the illness came to teach you. Going even higher in Spirit
understanding, you can clear the imprints in your energy
field that predispose you to this condition.

Hero or victim. Epic or mundane. Bold or boring. It’s yourchoice.

You can be your own Lancelot. You can be your own LadyGuinevere of Camelot.

Author's Bio: 

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader with “The Dream Workshops”. Keith helps people get the love, money, and health they want with his F-r-e-e Prosperity Ezine, F-r-e-e Abundance Tape and F-r-e-e Coaching at