Have you ever stood in line waiting for service? Stupid question, right? Have you ever used that time to introduce yourself, your product or your services to the individual in front of you, in back of you, or along side of you? If not, then you are missing a golden opportunity for potential business!

Introducing your product or your services in about the time it takes to travel in an elevator from the top floor of a building to the bottom is known as the elevator speech. This brief but concise presentation should be about 30 seconds in length and consist of anywhere between 100 and 150 words. The idea is to pack a lot of information into as few words as possible.

The value of this introduction can reap untold benefits if you make use of it not only in your business environment but also when you are NOT doing business; i.e. waiting in line for a Disney ride or for a ticket to attend Emeril Live in New York City or for the launch of a new product at Best Buy. Many people spend a tremendous amount of time waiting, time that could be put to good use.

When standing in line, have you ever noticed that conversations will erupt in various sections of the line? Some people always talk while waiting in line. Are you one of them? If so, have you ever considered focusing your words on what you do professionally?

If you are not one who talks easily to strangers, you should consider improving that aspect of your personality. Those who are most successful in business are those who are not afraid to take the first step and that means talking to others about your services. (Incidentally, if the thought of approaching a stranger frightens you, ask yourself what you stand to lose by taking the first step?)

Admittedly, starting a conversation about yourself or your business may not be the correct approach in all situations but a bit of small talk about the weather, the amount of time you will be waiting or even the reason you are both standing in line could be all the opening you need to introduce yourself.

The secret of the elevator speech is to capture their attention as well as their interest with your words. Telling the other individual that you are a website designer, a marketing expert or a financial analyst is not intriguing.

What sets you apart from all others in your profession? That is how you should tailor your introduction. Yes, you should tell them your name and your business but that is probably not enough to be memorable (unless you happen to do roofing and the one person you chance upon is looking for a new roof!). Create your elevator speech with an idea or a line that makes you unique because it is that one quality that they will remember. And that one quality could be the ticket for new business for you.

When I introduce myself, the other person may not remember my name or my business, but if I also tell them that I am The Voice Lady, they will remember me.

The opportunities that lie in front of you are numerous if you are willing to take the first step. Think outside the box the next time you ‘step into an elevator’ and explore the possibilities just waiting to happen. While the individual you speak to may not be the next Donald Trump or Oprah Winfrey, it could be someone looking for precisely what you have to offer.

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! , the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Voice Dynamic and watch Nancy as she describes Your Least Developed Tool!

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