Our evolution is toward greater and greater possibilities and as we individually experience more of what's possible beyond mediocrity, we create and expand patterns for all to enjoy.

As more people have a certain experience (i.e. peace or joy), the pattern for that experience is strengthen and ...Our evolution is toward greater and greater possibilities and as we individually experience more of what's possible beyond mediocrity, we create and expand patterns for all to enjoy.

As more people have a certain experience (i.e. peace or joy), the pattern for that experience is strengthen and empowered. This works the same for everything whether enjoyable or detrimental.

The work you do to create a better life for yourself serves all of humanity. When your attention is turned toward experiencing greater possibilities in your life, you demonstrate what's possible and help others do the same.

You can enjoy a happy life filled with peace and joy. The pattern has been created, your happiness empowers it. An explanation of these governing patterns can be found in the theory of morphogenetic fields.

The theory of morphogenetic fields attempts to scientifically describe how human consciousness is a shared field. The morphogenetic field theory lends credence to the idea that humanity will collectively experience a dramatic shift in consciousness when a “critical mass” (a specific very small percentage) of spiritually awakened people is reached. When this happens, we will have a real chance at experiencing peace on Earth.

"There is mounting evidence that as more and more people learn or do something it becomes easier for others to learn or do it. In one experiment, British biologist Rupert Sheldrake took three short, similar Japanese rhymes -- one a meaningless jumble of disconnected Japanese words, the second a newly-composed verse and the third a traditional rhyme known by millions of Japanese. Neither Sheldrake nor the English schoolchildren he got to memorize these verses knew which was which, nor did they know any Japanese. The most easily-learned rhyme turned out to be the one well known to Japanese.

“This and other experiments led Sheldrake to postulate that there is a field of habitual patterns that links all people, which influences and is influenced by the habits of all people. This field contains (among other things) the pattern of that Japanese rhyme.

“The more people have a habit pattern -- whether of knowledge, perception or behavior -- the stronger it is in the field, and the more easily it replicates in a new person. In fact, it seems such fields exist for other entities too -- for birds, plants, even crystals. Sheldrake named these phenomena morphogenetic fields -- fields which influence the pattern or form of things." (Resource: http://www.co-intelligence.org/P-morphogeneticfields.html )

"Sheldrake's notion of morphogenetic fields, or M-fields, are invisible organizing patterns that act like energy templates to establish forms on various levels of life. It is because of the distinctiveness of M-fields that identical representations of a species are produced. Something similar to M-fields also exists in energy fields of consciousness, underlying thought patterns and images - a phenomenon termed "formative causation." The idea that M-fields assist in learning has been verified by wide-scale experimentation.

When Sir Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, he created a new M-field. The belief system prevailing in human consciousness had been that the four-minute mile was a limit of human possibility. Once the new M-field was created, many runners suddenly began to run sub four-minute miles. This occurs every time mankind breaks into a new paradigm, whether it's the capacity to fly (an M-field created by the Wright Brothers), or the capacity to recover from alcoholism (an M-field created by Bill W., the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous). Once an M-field is created, everyone who repeats the accomplishment reinforces the power of that M-field.

We are all familiar with the fact that new ideas often seem to arise in the minds of several far-removed people at the same time. Somehow, the M-field acts as an organizing principle, like a sort of general magnetic attraction. An M-field doesn't have to move anywhere - it's a standing energy field that's present everywhere. Once it's created, it exists as a universally available pattern throughout the invisible universe."(Resource: Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, Hay House, 2002)

The story of “The Hundredth Monkey” is a well-known story that demonstrates the morphogenetic field theory. In the story of the Hundreth Monkey, scientists were providing monkeys on islands off the coast of Japan with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys enjoyed the sweet potatoes but not the sand. One young monkey found that she could solve the problem of the sandy potatoes by washing them in a stream. Other monkeys learned the new behavior of washing their potatoes by watching the first young monkey wash hers. The learned behavior of washing the potatoes spread through the colony of monkeys on this one island over the next few years. Then it happened! When a sufficient number, the “hundreth monkey,” had learned to wash their potatoes, the monkeys on the other islands and on the mainland began to wash their potatoes without having learned it directly.

Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind (or in the “field”).

Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon indicates that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain the conscious property of these people.

But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!

All that you do and who you are being has a great influence on the greater whole. Keep this in mind and live an inspired life knowing that you are contributing to the creation of world peace everytime you hold peace in your heart and in your mind.

May you find and live the peace you seek.

Author's Bio: 

Shelia Norling has been exploring the mechanics of reality for over two decades. Visit her online at http://www.BeDoHaveMore.com where she explores greater possibilities that lead to a life you love. Download her free Special Report “You Can Create Your Own Reality - What is Reality?” and take a peek beneath the surface of the world you live in.