Not Enough Time in the Day?
If you are starting a business, already running a business, or working in a business, you are no doubt juggling several things at once. Between the commitments of family and career you may find yourself wondering how to get it all done. Do you often feel that there is not enough time in the day? Do you feel as if you are busy but not accomplishing as much as you would like and often tired? Have you been using the "I do what I feel like doing when I feel like doing it" method of Time Management? Would you like to reduce the stress, procrastination, and guilt that go with this method? Would you like to increase your productivity while decreasing your stress level? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then it might be time to start working smarter, NOT harder.

A Good Time Plan:Managing your time with the use of a good Time Plan could be your key to personal and business success. I hear you thinking “Oh great, just what I need, another thing to do.” But, the time that you put in now to creating a good plan will be time and energy you save later. Planning does not necessarily mean following a rigid schedule; it means making intelligent decisions about when it is easiest and most efficient to get your work done. So how do you make these decisions?

Take Your Own Inventory:
Much of the literature on Time Management will suggest that you jump in by creating a schedule for yourself, but as a Corporate Wellness Consultant, I take a slightly different and more wholistic approach. To make sure that you are making the best use of the time you have on the planet I suggest that you start with a little soul searching or, if you prefer, inventory taking. After you have taken stock you create a time plan based on what you find and then try your plan on for size and adjust as necessary to achieve optimal efficiency. Over the course of this five-part series I will be discussing psychological blocks to productivity and the 6 steps to achieving Time Management .

6 Steps to Achieving Time Management :
I. Clarify your priorities.
II. Write out your goals with a timeline.
III. Assess your current use of time.
IV. Create your time plan.
V. Assess your plan.
VI. Continue to implement your plan.

Decide What Your Priorities for Your Life Are:
Presumably your goals in business and in your life should be tied to your priorities. If you have not already clearly defined this you can start by asking yourself what your mission is. What would you like to accomplish with your life? Don’t forget to think about what you most enjoy doing. Your motivation will stem from this. Once you ask yourself what is most important in your life write down your top three priorities. Got them? Good. In part II of this article series I will be discussing what to do with this list. (Parts 2-4 can be found on )

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Cutts is the CEO of Cutts Consulting, LLC and its subsidiary, Vision Quest Retreats &

For over 10 years Nicole Cutts, Ph.D., licensed Clinical Psychologist, Success Coach, and Organizational Consultant has been inspiring and empowering people to achieve a more balanced and successful lifestyle. Dr. Cutts has consulted with and trained executives, managers, and teams at Fortune 500 Companies, Federal Government Agencies, and Non-Profit Organizations. As a master facilitator and Success Coach, she helps people create an exceptional life by honoring their mind, body, and spirit so they can experience joy, passion, meaning, and ultimate success in their work.

Dr. Cutts is a featured writer on the Walter Kaitz Foundation website and has been a contributing writer for Identity Television, The Next Level, and The Diversity Channel, where she was also the Senior Features Editor. She sits on the D.C. Bar Association Lawyer’s Counseling Committee and the Board of the Student Support Center. She has appeared on BET’s The Center, the BBC, Roland Martin’s, Urban Business Roundtable and various radio programs. She has co-authored and published several articles in scientific and literary journals. Her writings on Corporate Wellness, Success Coaching, and Diversity have appeared on several Chamber of Commerce and business websites.