When you receive the Seal you will be re-created just like Adam in the Garden of Eden. And just as He created Adam, God will write the Vivinomen upon you, His own Living Name.

God created the earth and everything that surrounds it in seven days. He rested on the seventh day. On the fifth day He created the first man. That was when He created the animals of the earth and the birds of the air too.

God formed the first man out of the earth. He was "shaped" out of the earth. This is just how you will receive the Seal. The seal is shaped out of the earth. And it has a particular shape.

It is shaped like the tiny plot of earth that one single wheat Seed has been sown in. That wheat Seed is Jesus, the first Seed sown in your garden. When He grows up and bears fruit you will have more seed to sow.

And when you sow more seed, not only the seed has grown but the garden has grown in size a little. Eventually you can potentially span the whole earth with the size of your garden but you begin as a little place for that one Seed.

When God created Adam, the first man, he was alone. God did not create a woman for him yet. God had planned the woman all along--the woman was the necessary companion.

But God let Adam live alone for a short time so Adam would understand his need for his companion. He had God as his Companion but nobody like himself on earth. And no way to reproduce.

So God created all the animals of the earth and birds of the air and introduced them to Adam. But he was not satisfied by any of them as companions. He longed for the woman. He missed her. He already loved her very much.

When God showed the animals to Adam he gave them names. Whatever he called them, that became the name of the animal and the bird. Why did he name them? He was doing what he had seen God do.

God wrote His Name upon Adam. That is how God created him when He formed him out of the earth. The Seal in the shape of the earth of the garden is where God writes His Name upon you.

That Name God writes upon you is known as the Vivinomen--the Name of Life. It is God's Living Name. As God lives, so His Message lives with Him. The Word of God lives. And His Name lives too.

So when you are sealed God's Life will always abide upon you. It will be evidence of your own spiritual Life. Even when you sin and experience spiritual death , your soul will live.

And when your body dies your soul will live too through Judgment Day. When you were sealed upon earth you will still carry God's Vivinomen upon you. You will still be called His own.

This is why receiving the Seal is so good for you. The Vivinomen is the best way to reclaim Life after you have sinned, for God's life will still abide upon you. And when you have died it will help you stand before God on Judgment Day.

When you are sealed God will write His Name upon you just like He created Adam the first man. And His Name will live upon you through any kind of death you will ever experience after you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and "Get God's 'Seal of Approval' and Get the Victory Over Evil" at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt