When you receive the Seal you no longer swear that things will happen. Instead you include the Plans of God Himself with your own plans and integrate them in the process of holosis.

When you receive the Seal you begin to take up your cross and follow Jesus. You do it every day. You may not have perfected yourself yet but you give up on the trappings of this life.

Taking up your cross and following Jesus changes the way you think and feel. One way that you are changed is by becoming more representative of the Truth, the Truth of God that you can become one with.

Often people swear something will happen and it does not happen. Or they swear something did happen when it did not. Perhaps they wanted to be believed, but they still did not tell the truth, so they deceived.

When you take up your cross and follow Jesus you do not deceive people anymore like this. And you do not swear at other times that God will do something like condemn someone or something. How do you know what God will judge?

And wanting God to condemn is a terribly negative approach. It is easy to pick up this language from others and repeat it even though you do not actually mean to invoke the wrath of God. But it is sinful to say it.

But you may also swear and see it happen. You do not always take the Name of God in vain when you swear. And you do not always speak of yourself in vain. Sometimes you swear something will happen and it does happen.

It is better to speak and see it through. And it is better to prophecy the truth and be proven a real prophet. However it is not good to swear even when you know something will happen. And you shall not swear even when God has spoken to you.

When you swear something will come to pass and you have the power to make it happen then you are empowered, especially if God told you what would happen and you swore upon the Truth of His Revelation.

But if you swear things will happen, even when God has told you they will happen, you are taking power away from either God or yourself, if God changes His Mind about what should happen.

And the question is not "if" God changes His Mind, but "when." For you want God to change His Mind about things. Because when God changes His Mind, He often shows His Mercy to people.

God often planned to punish people but then repented of punishing them. Just for the repeal of punishment alone you should never swear God will do anything, even when God has shown you what He will do.

Instead of swearing something will come to pass, when you are sealed, you begin to include God in your thoughts and feelings. You share with each other, and this way you truly empower yourself.

And you empower God to change His Mind without compromising one of you or the other. More than true prophecy you seek the Mercy of God for yourself and for other people.

And you seek to share your thoughts and feelings with those of God--to integrate them into one whole. This process of integration is known as holosis, whereby you experience the union of your thoughts and feelings with the divine Ones when you are sealed.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at http://www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at http://www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt