There are no limits to the amount of happiness , health, wealth, success, or love that you can attain. The only limits that exist are the ones that are created through limited thoughts, words, actions and attitudes.

It's quite simple how this works. Wherever you find yourself manifesting circumstances in your life other than what you planned for then be assured that there are limiting beliefs
at work in your life. A limiting belief is a belief that you
are certain is true about yourself based upon past experiences.

These limiting beliefs can look like:

'Good things never happen to me'
'I don't deserve to be happy''Rich people are greedy'
'Life wasn't meant to be easy'

These beliefs and thousands more like them are like huge rivers of thought flowing beneath the surface of your mind and whenever you try to make a positive change in direction in your life you ultimately end up struggling with these undercurrents.

That's why people who try to change habits like smoking or being overweight will 90% of the time end up right back where they started from despite have successfully achieved a result they were happy with.

The key here is to understand that your subconscious mind has way more influence in your results than your conscious mind. Psychologists claim that only 10% of our mind function is conscious. 90% is subconscious. This gives you an idea why it might appear so hard to make life changes.

The great news is that I'm going to show you to get what you
really want despite and self-sabotaging thoughts or beliefs.
The simple fact is that all you need to do is change your beliefs. To do this is as easy as 1-2-3.

The first step is to choose a belief that will support what you want
to achieve. Let's say you want to. Let's say your goal is to
find work that you love. Then a belief that would support that would be, 'I am so happy to be getting paid for work that I love!'

Notice that I use present tense when expressing the new belief. That is because your brain does not know the difference between what you imagine and what is real. As you write out your belief, get a picture of it in your mind.

See, hear and feel yourself sitting at your desk, or doingwhatever it is you will be doing as if you are already there. This is called visualizing your goal.

Make sure you repeat your affirmation and visualize your new belief for 5 minutes before you go to bed and for 5 minutes
upon awakening every day. Continue to do this until what you want has become a reality in your life.

The point here is that we use our mind every day for things we don't really want, need or desire. So why not spend just a few minutes each day affirming what really matters.

The second step is to take consistent action towards achieving the result you want. In the example above it could look like
checking the positions vacant section of the newspaper or the
internet, calling up companies that offer the kind of work
you are looking for and organizing an interview or resume to
be sent. Then spend a little time each day taking action
that reinforces your new belief.

The third step is to never give up on your dreams . Don't let anyone or anything be the reason you fail to get what you really want. Ultimately there can be any number of excuses why we settle for a life less than what we want or deserve. The secret is to recognize these excuses and then make a decision to stay focused on what you really want.

I'm not suggesting you spend a lot of time on this. Even just 5 minutes a day will be significant to help change your old beliefs. What matters is that you keep it top of mind and make it a priority every day.

Lastly, the fastest way to burn away old annoying beliefs and habits is to spend some time in gratitude for what you already have. I do this each morning upon awakening.

My goal is to find 10 things each morning to feel thankful for before I get out of bed. I not only think about those things I spend a few moments feeling them deep in my heart and soaking up the joy that these things bring to me.

This sets the tone for the day of joy and I find that I seemto attract much more to be grateful about each and every day. I'll leave you with this quote from my latest book:

"When you focus on what you DO have, it increases; When you
focus on what you don't have, you will have less. When youfocus on your capabilities, they grow; When you focus on
your health, it improves!"

To your great life and health,

Author's Bio: 

Michael Atma is an internationally known author, speaker
& success coach. Known as the person to talk to when you're
ready to enjoy massive results, Michael offers simple yet
proven strategies to improve the quality of your life in
just minutes. Michael's writing comes straight from the
front line of good health and successful living.

Exactly how are some people learning to fast track their happiness and success in just minutes?
Michael Atma has created the ultimate guide - 'Peaceful Mind - Powerful Life!'
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