1. Laugh
If you're not laughing at least once a year, then you have a poor sense of humor. If you only laugh once a year, then man there is something seriously wrong with you. Set some laughter goals. "I will laugh once a
week." If you already laugh once a week, then make it once a day. If you laugh once a day then go for 5 times a day and keep doubling the number until you are taken away and committed to some asylum or something. They don't care how much you laugh there, so consider it a mission accomplished if you make it in. If you have difficulty laughing start out by just smiling.

2. Look forward to a future eventIf you don't have a future event, plan one! Definition of a future event: A future event is an event that has not yet taken place. Some examples are a movie you want to see, a vacation, a play or musical band you want to see. If finances are a problem there are many free events listed weekly, monthly and by the century. Keep your eyes open for these and when you find them, then you can close your eyes.

3. Help someoneHelping others can make you feel better. Of course if you're helping a convicted murderer who is trying to hide, this probably isn't the type of help I'm talking about. So use your common sense and help someone in need. There are tons of ways to help. Donate an item. Volunteer your time to an interest you have. Smile and listen to someone who feels they have something they need to say. Be kind.

4. Inspiration
This one follows the previous one right along. Become famous and inspire others. If this sounds too difficult, then just give a friend or someone in need a pep talk. Use your energy to motivate someone to do one of the above suggested activities.

5. Exercise
People feel good after exercise . If you're too tired or sore to exercise your whole body, exercise a finger, or your eyebrows. You don't need to exercise until you're ready to vomit for it to be effective. Even very light exercise has the benefit of helping you feel better. If you want an even better psychological boost, wet your shirt in the sink, put it on and look in the mirror and say "Wow, what a work out!"

6. Music and movementListening to music can help you feel better. Put on some music that makes you feel good. Move to the music. This is another form of light exercise. Some refer to it as dancing.

7. Imagination
Imagine that you feel better and it's pretty likely that you soon will. Our minds can be tricked and often can't tell the difference between imagined and real. So fake it until you make it. Imagine yourself
laughing and having a great time. Imagine yourself laughing so hard that a movie director hears your laugh and decides to use it on the soundtrack for his next movie.

8. NatureGo to a Shopping Mall and listen to the birds sing. Oops, maybe a park or the woods would be better, but you get the idea. While you're there, just relax. Close your eyes and listen to the world. If you happen to fall asleep and nap, that's okay too.

9. Games
Games can be fun and are a great distraction that can help you feel better. Be careful not to over do it though. There is a difference between distraction and addiction . You'll know you're addicted to a game if you marry it. Sometimes even "proposing" tips you off that you are over committed to a game.

10. Write
Sit down and jot a few poems or lyrics and just let your thoughts free flow. Doing this on a regular basis will improve your creativity and give you something else to feel good about. Share them with others when appropriate. Think back to all the great memories you have stored. You may want to write some down. Write about things you're thankful for. We all have things to be thankful for. What are yours?
I'm thankful for many things I don't have, except maybe money.

Author's Bio: 

David is a master's level social worker and former athlete who attributes use of humor to his conquering of severe arthritis. He is an inspirational expert in humor and health. David has been successful at healing illness and overcoming obstacles on a personal level. David understands stress management through personal experience. After his internet business was swallowed up by a large competitor, he changed careers from being an executive director of training and top salesman for Flashnet Marketing to devoting his time to developing his speaking career into a full time business. David's keynotes focus on using humor in many areas of experience, particularly humor and health, but also using humor to improve self-image & self-esteem. He also ties humor into stress reduction, communication and customer service education. He is a recognized leader in the field of humor and health and was selected by an international panel to appear in a documentary on the healing uses of humor by the Korean Broadcasting System. David has spoken along side such noted colleagues as Bernie Siegal, MD, Actor Kevin Pollack, Former ambassador Andrew Young and Football legend Joe Namath.David is the author of "The 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Humorous People"