Perhaps the most important decision any person can make is the decision to take personalresponsibility for their life.

What does that mean?

Let me give you some examples:

I cannot tell you how many times I have listened to people complain about how they are always getting sick.

As they are explaining their various health problems to me they pause to lift a cigarette to their mouth. I tell them that they are only making their situation worse by smoking cigarettes, they shrug their shoulders and say "you gotta die from something."

I always ask the non-smokers with health issues this question:

"How many times a week do you elevate your heart rate to 70% of it's maximum for 10 minutes or more?"

The answer I get 90% of the time is "never."

No wonder that have health issues, they live a sedentary lifestyle. If you want to be healthy you have to move, and move often....stay still and you will be doomed to live a life filled with health problems.

The most important decision you can make in your life is to take personal responsibility for it.

If you have an addiction kick it. There are numerous support groups to help excuses.

If you are overweight and unhealthy get fit and in shape. Read books about healthy diets, healthy lifestyles, don't accept anything but the best for yourself.

Be proactive!

Who has to live in your skin?

That's right, it is you!

Not your doctor!

Not your husband or wife or your children!

It is you who has to live in "YOUR" skin!

You have to live with the consequences of not taking positive steps to prevent sickness
and disease in your life, and it is you that can take the steps to bring wellness
back to your life.

It is "YOU" who has to live with "YOUR" health problems.

It is "YOU" that can take charge and learn how others conquered their healthproblems....let them show you the way.

Soon you will know more about your personal health challenges than any doctor knows about them.

It is "YOU" who may have chosen to live a life of mediocrity. "YOU" have the power to change every aspect of your life.

"YOU" can choose to study the laws of success and change your life to one of amazing success.

The tools are all yours for the taking. Read the bible of success, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill. Read it over and over again until it is a part of who you are, a person who will succeed no matter what obstacles may appear. Don't let the title fool you, money is a small part of the story.

Take responsibility for your life today!

You can change it all if you want!

You can be a winner if you want!

You can be the person you want to be if you only WANT it enough!

Decide today to take responsibly!

Read the books , do the research, ride the bike, take the long walk, join the gym!

Go for it and don't stop until you reach your goals!

Here are some tools to help you get started.


Here is the best advice I can give you moving forward with your new life.

"Don't re-invent the wheel!"

Decide what it is you need to accomplish and find someone who has already reached your goal. Find out how they did it and copy their model.

Some examples:

*** You have health issues: ***

Read books written by people who "HAD" the same problem you have and conquered it. The books are out there.....find them!

Don't stop until you have found all the books that are specific to your health problem.

Don't stop until you have taken the actions recommended in the books written by people who have overcome your health problem.

Don't stop until you can walk into your doctors office and see his/her eyes light up in amazement at the knowledge you have about your condition! Become the expert on your condition!

*** You want to start a new business: ***

Read business and success books related to the business venture you want to start.

Find someone who is ultra successful and copy their model.

Remember, they have already been through the ups and downs...they can teach you how to get where you want to go quickly.

The same applies to career advancement, child rearing, relationship advice , etc. Find the experts and let them teach you.

Author's Bio: 

Dan Robey is the author of the new book "The Power of Positive Habits" a new program that shows you how to put your mind and body on autopilot to reach your goals automatically. You can learn more about this new book and purchase it at

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