When you receive the Seal you will eventually begin to have synetic perception. Synetic perception is seeing the Word of God and His Messages as they truly are, and understanding them with all comprehension.

When you are sealed you will be blessed with understanding the parables of Jesus. You will be as His disciples, who He revealed the parables to. God will reveal them to your synetic perception.

One parable Jesus already fully explained is the Parable of the Sower. A sower went out to sow seeds. Jesus will be the first sower to sow seeds in you. After Him you may become a sower also.

“Some of the Seed fell by the way of the road, and the birds came and ate them. Some Seed fell upon rocky places without much earth. This sprung up quickly but when the sun came up it scorched it since it had no root, and it died.”

“Some of the Seed fell by thorn-bushes and the thorn-bushes grew up and choked the growth of the plants. Yet other Seed fell upon the good ground and brought forth an abundant Harvest.”

Jesus has already revealed much of this parable to you. The seeds sown by the wayside are sown unto people who do not perceive what the Word means with synetic perception. The birds eating them are Satan taking away the Word out of their hearts.

The seeds sown among rocky earth are sown for those people who do receive them and with joy but they have no root within themselves and the Word just as quickly dies out again when they are afflicted.

The seed among the thorn-bushes is seed which would otherwise be in good soil but the thorns of the cares and anxieties of life choke it off. Often these thorns are the trickery of wealth.

The final ground is the good ground. Those are people who hear and perceive the Word with synetic perception. And they bear much fruit, up to one hundred times the original sowing.

Now here is the secret you will learn when you become sealed: the ground or earth is the mind or soul of the believer. When you are sealed your mind (or soul) will become that ground that Jesus and other sowers sow in.

So you must prepare the earth for cultivation. You must prepare your mind and soul for much fruit-bearing. The sower will surely come when you are sealed and you need to be ready.

The seed sown by the wayside happens when you are put underfoot by other people instead of God. That is when you feel defeated and overcome. And that is when the seed can get stolen away.

And when you have rocky earth it is because you have a hardened heart. Your thoughts and feelings are hardened against God. You may receive the Word with joy but it does not have a chance to keep growing within you.

The person among the thorns is obsessed with wealth and has not trusted God to provide. This person is always worried about how to make more money and does not have any thoughts or feelings about God.

And the last of all is the good earth. This is the person who perceives the word of God with synetic perception. You may progress through some of these other stages as the ground but your goal is always to become the good ground when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt