Article Title: Sharing Some rather serious Thoughts on the Conflict in the Middle East and Israel Today
Author: Craig Lock
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ISRAEL and the MIDDLE EAST TODAY - Sharing a few thoughts

Introduction:Craig is currently researching and writing his latest novel 'A New Dawn', set in the Middle East: To attempt to find 'common ground'/principles between different religions and cultures and to try to make some difference in building bridges in an ever more dangerous, tubulent and uncertain world. And as he learns from his research, is sharing this extract, a few personal thoughts from his new manuscript on possible different approaches to this 'seemingly impossible' problem, the conflict between Israel and Palestine, as well as the entire region.

As regards the volatile tinder-box that is the Middle East today, I'm sharing a few personal thoughts that may be of interest...

The military approach (in the Middle East and in the WORLD) can never be productive in the long term. On the moral scale it has been a disaster, as the endemic cycle of violence only serves to feed hatreds that are already too fierce. You can't use bullets and rockets to solve what is essentially a social and political problem. The solution, which I'm sure all reasonable world leaders will agree on is a "long-term" peace ... and this will NEVER ever come from the barrel of a gun.

"Violence breeds violence, repression brings retaliation, and only a cleansing of our whole society can remove this sickness from our soul."- Robert Kennedy after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr in April 1968.

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individual concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."- Dr Martin Luther King Junior

The political process can and needs desperately to change with GREATER WILL on all sides. The leaders of nations need new horizons and the critical issue is having the political will to reduce violence on both sides. Then more freedom of movement will reduce poverty. The disappearance of hope, the poverty, the terrible living conditions of Palestinians caused by the internal Palestinian power struggle, is very fertile ground for chaos and anarchy in this region, a "hotbed of intolerance, violence and religious fanaticism".However, I believe there IS a solution. Somehow, changing these conditions and reducing the climate of fear on all sides in turn will give rise to a new dawn of security and stability...and hope for everyone, people and nations.

"Our goal as 'ordinary citizens of planet earth' must be to illuminate the hearts and minds of humanity (through raising the collective consciousness) to put more pressure on our leaders: to offer a compelling alternate vision for the world, a new horizon: one that banishes the fanatical ideology of intolerance and hatred to the darkness from which it emerged."

Craig Lock ("just a tireless and passionate worker for moderation, tolerance and peace inb the world")

The various books that "Craig felt inspired to write" are available at: and

"With passion and purpose in our individual lives we can touch others and in
so doing illuminate the hearts and minds of humanity to make a better world
(through helping raise consciousness). Let us offer an alternate vision for
the world to embrace: one that banishes the fanatical ideology of
intolerance and hatred to the darkness from which it emerged. Each one of us
in our own little ways can and must offer a compelling new horizon: a bright
future of justice, tolerance, respect for other traditions and values and
especially a vision of hope and thoughts of peace fuelled by the eternal
flame of love, which can light the darkest night. "

"When people's hearts are filled with love, the world is full of hope"- craig


Author's Bio: 

Craig Lock ("just a tireless and passionate worker for moderation, tolerance and peace inb the world")

The various books that "Craig felt inspired to write" are available at: