What does it mean to be a product of your own conclusion? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a good end product after putting in the time to develop it? Yet so few do. I look around me and see people doing things, the end result of which will surely be disaster. Let’s investigate our thought of being a product of our own conclusion and glean some wisdom for life. Webster has this to say about the word conclusion. Notice that I have highlighted certain ‘buzz’ words. They are the ‘turn-on’ words.

a. A conclusion is the last step in a reasoning process. So being a product of your own conclusion is a process involving certain steps.
b. A conclusion is a decision or judgment formed after investigation or thought.
The process then involves an investigation of the facts.
c. A conclusion is the last of a chain of events, an outcome, hopefully favorable.
The process brings on a chain of events during the investigation.
d. A conclusion is an act or instance of concluding.
e. A conclusion is a final arrangement.
f. A conclusion is a closing bringing something to an end.
Webster says this about the word product.

a. It’s a resultb. It’s something produced

So the end product, or result of something, is directly related to one’s conclusions having been made about something after having gathered all the facts. A conclusion made is the last of a series of steps made to bring you to an end product or result. If the end result of an action taken wasn’t to your liking then perhaps you didn’t take the steps necessary to bring about a desired result or finished product. You circumvented all the legwork hoping to get to your destination a lot quicker. A straight line to a destination is not always the way to go and it is not always shorter. Sometime the long way around is better because it gives you time to think.

So many people come to life’s conclusions without having done their homework. They have not gathered the facts. They have not considered the end result or product produced. It’s sort of like a duck hunter I once knew. He’d point his shotgun skyward, pull the trigger and hope to hit something such as a duck. 99% of the time he hit nothing. He just never thought of the end result. After all, how could he possible miss? All that birdshot and all those ducks…gotta hit something if I just aim in the general direction of the flock. This is the philosophy of many today. Obviously something isn’t working right. All you have to do is look around you and you’ll find all sorts of ‘duck hunters’ looking for an easy way out of life’s necessary steps.

What are the steps necessary to bring about a desired result, a conclusion, and one that you are happy with, one that you can live with? Here are just a few.

First, get out from under any pressure that might push you in the wrong direction. Don’t come to a conclusion just because someone says the sale ends at midnight. You gotta be smarter than that. Second, gather all the wisdom you can. Read the books , go to the workshops and seminars, watch the training videos and listen to informative audiotapes. Hear the sermons and sit in on the Sunday school lessons. Gather all the wisdom you can from other people. This is called a process; an investigation of the facts to learn all you must know to make a significant conclusion. Bringing it all to an end, a conclusion. Third, go through the process, not around it. Short cuts usually don’t work. Fourth, do it to please you. When you are pleased with the results, others will be pleased, that is, those who care.

If you are trying to do everything everyone is doing to get where they're at, you will fail at every turn in the road. Your life is your life and no one else ' s. You can only be you. If you're after what everyone else has, you will cheat yourself out of what you could have had. AND what you could have had could have been better than what everyone else has. What is destined for you will be far better than what anyone else could give you. What's yours is yours and it has your name on it. No one else can claim it unless you give them permission. And you do that by not taking a stand for what is rightfully yours.

There is so much information available today, especially infomercials. And information is good because that is what we need to go through the steps and process to bring about a conclusion. But here is what most of it says. You can look like I do, have what I have, be where I've been, live in what I live in, eat what I do, wear what I wear, drive what I drive, be rich like me and the list is endless.

Here is the message. And it has sort of a subliminal affect on you because you hear the same message almost every day. We are bombarded with it. That is called sales. If they can keep this info in front of us long enough, we’ll buy the product. If you will just do it the way I did it, you can have it all. If you will follow my lead, you can be just like me. If you will buy my product, you will look like me. If you eat the way I tell you to, you will look like me. If you will work out the way I do you will have a body like mine. If you will buy this pill, this book, this set of audiotapes, this video, you to, can be like me and have it all.

Don’t be a product of someone else’s decisions for your life.

Have you ever had someone tell you that you need to do it this or that way because they knew what was best for you? “After all, what do you know?” “Hey, it worked for me so its gotta work for you. Take this pill and knock off 50 pounds.” Ya right! You gotta get off the bottle sometime in your life. You gotta wean yourself from the leaches sent to do you nothing but harm. There has got to come a time in life when you must make your own decisions. You can’t run to every Tom, Dick and Harry looking for answers. Because maybe Tom, Dick and Harry do not have the right answers.

Have you ever made a snap decision just to please others? Have you ever gone places that you did not want to go? Have you ever done something just to please another?

Shakespeare said this. “To be or not to be, that is the question.”

Be what you were created to be. Don’t be pressured into snap decisions. Take the space that you need to follow your own dreams not that of others. It pays great dividends. Don’t let life run you. You run it. Take charge of your life. It is your life and it was given at great expense.

Do you remember this little song? Row, Row, Row, your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. Notice that the boat is to be rowed down stream with the current, not against the current. When you row your own boat you go with the currents of life. When you let someone else do it for you, you are going against the currents of life. So, row your own boat of life. Notice also that the boat is to be rowed gently down the stream. Never rush the process of learning . If you do you will miss out on the merriment and joy of life. The song says we merrily and gently row our boat of life. DON’T ROCK THE BOAT OF LIFE. YOU’LL CAPSIZE!

Play the music that you hear on the inside of you because someone needs to hear your song. You can’t play someone else’s song for your life.

One parting thought. DON’T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS!

The Best Of Successes To You,

Dr. Bill Seavey

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