How do we withstand life's challenges without enduring stress? The truth is, we don’t.

Life is ever changing and the world we live in gets more and more complex every day. Everywhere you look there are people struggling for new ways to reduce stress and to remove the difficulties and obstacles that stand between them and success.

The best way to avoid tension is making sure you get plenty of peace . One of the best methods and means to remove stress and save your mental caliber is exercising daily. Go for a walk; ride your bike around the block or simply sit still and quiet your mind.

Whatever you decide to do, while you are doing it, take a moment to be grateful for your surroundings. The roof over your head, the flowers on the side of the road or the3 grass beneath your feet. This small exercise will heighten your sense of awareness and take the edge off the problems of the day.
Whatever the adversity or situation, there are solutions to the problem.

The first step to removing any barriers and the most important thing you can do is get out of your own way. Obstacles are big if you continue to create mountains.

It's time to sit down and evaluate your brain. Look at your situation and see if you can find a solution. See if you can locate the problem and alleviate it. In other words, evaluate how you are perceiving the problem and make a determination as to whether you have any control over the situation. In other words, talk to yourself and analyze the problem then act accordingly.

It's a proven fact that people often make allowance and simply accept stress because their desires are clouded and they fail to move the fog out of their way.

Encumbrances may become overwhelming if you don't take time out to play. I don't care how old you are. Watch a movie. Take a walk, visits friends. Companionable activity helps when you are feeling dismayed.

It is usually self imposed obstacles that cause your stress. Move them!

Author's Bio: 

The author Linda Morneau is a motivational speaker and workshop facilitator. Through her studies of Reiki, Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Techniques, meditation and her personal experiences with devastating loss, Linda has developed a message with direction and hope. If you like this article and want more information on having “a better life” visit and download your free copy of 101 Golden Keys to Success and Fulfillment in Life. Great tips on success, relationships and motivation. Contact her at or .