Make money online by following these 3 simple steps:

Imagine, waking up every morning and seeing “sales made”, or “commissions earned” notifications in your email inbox! Real money, deposited into your bank account from transactions that took place online while you were sleeping! That’s what its like to make money online, and it’s a great feeling. Many people feel that making a living online is out of their reach because they don’t know where to start. This article will give you a basic outline to start your own stream of online income today!

The first step in making money online is to learn how it’s made. I’m not talking about all the “get rich quick” hype found on the Internet, I’m talking about the “tried and true” methods being used everyday by thousands of people to put real income in their bank accounts. The following is a list of ten highly effective methods for generating online income; marketing an affiliate link, generating “hot leads” for other businesses, marketing items/products you sell on Ebay, promoting “MLM” programs, driving traffic to a site or blog that has Google Adsense ads on it (ad revenue), creating targeted lists to pitch items/products/services to, promoting your own website or blog offering your products or services, marketing your own “real world” business, advertising your own affiliate program, and joint ventures with other Internet Marketers. These are income sources that aren’t going to “dry up”, or ever become obsolete. That’s what puts these opportunities on my “top ten” list.

The second step in making money online is to figure out how to drive the traffic you need to the income opportunity you selected. There are two ways to do this; the first is to pay someone else to do it for you, and the second is to learn to generate it for your self. Paying for traffic is “hit or miss”, as 99% of the time the traffic you pay for isn’t targeted enough to lead to sales. That simply means a lot of money spent, and little (if any) income from it. Poor return on investment. Learning to generate the traffic yourself is easy to do, and leads to a much higher return on investment! There are many sources of free advertising online that generate tons of high quality targeted traffic. I have personally used (and taught hundreds of others how to use) “video marketing” to generate literally hundreds of thousands of new visitors and leads to their respective income opportunities. High quality targeted traffic equals online income!

The final step required to make money online is ACTION! In order to achieve your goal, you must make a move towards attaining it. Many people get caught in “analysis paralysis”, and never get up the courage to take the first step to achieving their goals. They never feel like they have enough information to make an educated decision. Other people simply don’t have the confidence to take the first step. I can tell you from personal experience, YOU can do it! I have personally seen people of all ages and experience levels make money online. The “common denominator” with each of those individuals is that they took the first step to achieve their goal! Just remember, a journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step! So if your goal is to start making your fair share of online income, simply follow the outline above, and most importantly: Take Action! Thanks for reading my article; I hope it has helped you gain some direction and confidence when it comes to making money online! More detailed information about "The Top Ten" income opportunities and HOW to market them for free can be found in "The Youtube Marketing Course", available at

Best regards,

Robert Bankston

Author's Bio: 

Robert Bankston is the CEO of "The Method Reports, llc, and author of 4 Best selling Internet Marketing books, with sales in over 100 countries.

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