The main variations on the common prospect excuse that, "I'm too busy," can either be their own mindset, where they feel their time is out of control, or sometimes it's really an unexpressed objection. Let's discuss how you can help educate your prospect past that self-imposed limit.

Help them evaluate their time

When you hear someone just has a mindset of not having enough time and always being too busy, here's an exercise you can do with them. Have them get a piece of paper and write down the hours in the day and where they're going. Have them take ownership of what's really under their control.

Their day will generally break into something like eight hours of work and eight hours of sleep, leaving them eight hours a day that is something they can control. In fact, if they will use a few of those eight hours well in building a business of their own, they can free up the eight hours that are currently committed to their job every day.

Have your prospect look at the eight hours under their control and ask a question like, "What is it you like to do when you get home from work and before you go to bed? Is there any way to use that time more effectively? Or is there anything you could leave off that list for now to use that time better to eventually free up the hours you spend at work every day? Is there anything on that list that's not making you $10,000 a month?" if that's their goal.

Your purpose here is to get them to see that they do have time, they're just using it for other things other than building a business. Get them in the mindset that those hours could be used to build something for their future that would provide the income so they wouldn't need to go to their job every day anymore.

Their real conflict or excuse doesn't hold up when it's right there on paper that they're spending their time watching TV, playing games on the computer, or other things that aren't helping them reach their goals.

There may be an unexpressed objection

Many times this excuse means something more like, "I tried MLM once and it didn't work for me. I don't have time for that again." Again, asking questions to get your prospect talking is going to help you here. They could have a legitimate time crunch with all they have to do in a day, or they could have an unexpressed objection that you can dig out with the right questions.

If you find out they simply haven't learned how to make a success of network marketing, find out as much as you can about their previous experience so you can speak to those objections and educate them with how you can help them in those particular areas.

Understanding what's behind your prospect's statement of "I don't have time," is going to help you build a bridge of communication and recruit more people into your organization.

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Tim Sales built an MLM business with an income of over $150,000 per month with 2,400+ new distributors joining per month. He now creates training tools and sales aids for everyone in network marketing.